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SourceSup is a service operated by RENATER

SourceSup is a project management web platform for Higher Education and French Research organizations.
Every member of the community can create a project on SourceSup. Projects are private by default, and can be set to public.
Many tools are available and can be activated for any project in the administration section.

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Latest News

Mise en Service de Nexus 3.61.0-02

- 2023-11-09 12:00 - SourceSup 6.1

Migration de Nexus 3.37.3-02 vers Nexus 3.61.0-02

Mise en Service de SonarQube 9.9

- 2023-10-30 12:00 - SourceSup 6.1

Migration de SonarQube 8.9.3 vers SonarQube 9.9 LTS

Mise en service de Jenkins 2.414.1

- 2023-09-12 12:00 - SourceSup 6.1

Migration de Jenkins 2.401.2 vers 2.414.1

Mise en service de Jenkins 2.401.2

- 2023-08-11 12:00 - SourceSup 6.1

Migration de Jenkins 2.289.2 vers 2.401.2

Mise en service de MantisBT 2.25.7

- 2023-06-13 12:00 - SourceSup 6.1

Mise à jour de MantisBT 2.25.5 vers 2.25.7

Release of FullSWOF_1D 2.01.00

  2023-03-20 16:10
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