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16:11:03 sourcecode scm commit: [Added] If more than one User entity has the same email we delete silently the oldest inactive Users (and not surveys has there may be an active User account that owns the surveys) (repository: moment commit: fa259f99)
16:08:51 sourcecode scm commit: [Added] User::fromUserEmail is sorted by last_activity descending, only the most recent user last_activity is updated (repository: moment commit: a7b267f9)
16:06:59 sourcecode scm commit: [Added] scripts/task/cleanInactiveUsers to only cleanInactiveUsers (repository: moment commit: 9f218761)
16:02:32 sourcecode scm commit: [Fixed] sendmail compatibility of "-r" option (replaced by -f) (repository: moment commit: 20a0b052)
15:45:00 sourcecode scm commit: [Fixed MT#1762] Wording on user.deletion.mail.php (repository: moment commit: 66e16d28)
15:40:58 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] Fixed mock on DBI prepare on UserCleanerUtilTest (repository: moment commit: 81afa0a7)
15:35:11 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] Fixed mock on DBI prepare on UserCleanerUtilTest (repository: moment commit: 2941f4de)
09:35:35 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #315 #316] Tests on new Utility UserCleanerUtil (repository: moment commit: 084ae673)
15:24:23 sourcecode scm commit: [Added #315 #316] New Utility UserCleanerUtil that deletes inactive users and reminds them some months earlier (two mail templates user.deletion.mail.php and user.deletion.reminder.mail.php) (repository: moment commit: fce3b96f)
09:29:47 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #314] Unit tests on model User (repository: moment commit: ba851d3f)
14:55:22 sourcecode scm commit: [Changed #314] Recording user activity when user is authenticated and user non-authenticated participates a survey (repository: moment commit: cd179764)