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09:00:19 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] "moments of the day" in a time zone different from survey creation time zone (repository: moment commit: d781fd5e)
14:41:09 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] morning starts at 8 (repository: moment commit: d1b62ef9)
14:27:09 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] morning starts at 8 (repository: moment commit: f4015afd)
15:43:12 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] propositions_info_label layout again (repository: moment commit: a7c6b423)
15:39:34 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] propositions_info_label and accept_terms layout (repository: moment commit: 9f8c096c)
15:31:44 sourcecode scm commit: [Fixed] grammar on user deletion mail (repository: moment commit: 0394c0a2)
10:10:12 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] moments_of_day_info english translation (repository: moment commit: 7d36105e)
10:04:17 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] info on moments of the day in result or reply page on bottom of each question (repository: moment commit: 77417d9d)
09:27:39 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] Showing moments of the day in results or reply page (repository: moment commit: 2d670b50)
16:12:48 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] in Survey update $data['settings'] should be an object (repository: moment commit: fd482004)
14:53:20 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] in input_mode moments it's the survey timezone that's taken into account (repository: moment commit: af3bebc0)
13:51:16 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] going on moments day layout (repository: moment commit: 4642a383)
13:14:03 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] moments day layout (repository: moment commit: 1122fd89)
09:50:44 sourcecode scm commit: [dev #117] input_mode tooltip (repository: moment commit: 7a991d9a)
17:20:26 sourcecode scm commit: [Added #117] New date time input method "moments of the day" (repository: moment commit: 1758a6a5)
10:39:16 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] hide first day slot divider (repository: moment commit: 0c66bd52)
09:48:00 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] fix survey wizard first day-slot margin (repository: moment commit: f54e6d05)
09:15:43 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] same_for_all styling (repository: moment commit: dbf82dd6)
09:01:41 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] Input mode layout in survey wizard (repository: moment commit: 42503f1e)
16:45:06 sourcecode scm commit: [dev] WIP : same_for_all toggler is now out of ul.propositions + added "same_moment_for_all" (repository: moment commit: 56a287c5)