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scripts/adm/gateway/transfer [ Reply ]
By: Marina Cazzola on 2011-09-08 11:28
I have been working on the possibility to transfer students between classes.

At the moment transfert of students works in a portal: a teacher can
import a student account together with the student activity (score,
exolog, noscore, exams) in his course (provided the courses share the
same material)(I understood that the courses must share the same
"program" and the actual checking is done on the variable
sharing_exam). At the moment the script transfer does not deal with
manual grades.

For my setup the structure of the portal (classtype=4) is far too
complicated and I'd rather work with groupement (classtype=2). In a
typical setup I have a group of classes (with some teachers) sharing
resources and the students are split into the classes (so that I do
not fill each single classes with too many students). Usually the
subclass number 1 has sharable resources and all the other subclasses
are sharing from course #1. Usually they share all possible things
(e.g. forum, votes).

In a setup like the one above I think I managed to extend
adm/gateway/transfer to work when classtype=2 (hopefully without
breaking classtype=4). Before I commit my proposal, do you have any
suggestion or can you think of any other setup this changing might
break? Which checking do you thing I should set up?

So far I mimic the checkin done in the original script: when I am in a
class belonging to a group of classes I check

1) the class has sharable_exam set: all the classes in sharable_exam
are suitable candidates, provided they actually share (i.e. they
actually have sharing_exam set)

2) the class has sharing_exam set: go to the class in sharing_exam and
check its sharable_exam variable. Then find the candidates with a
similar manner as in case 1.

The behaviour is analoguos the the one of the original script: score,
noscore, exolog, examlog are moved, nothing else is done on possible
other datas (which ones?).
