I'm trying to see if we can have back working the funtionalities in the "other servers" page of the class config module.
That page gives the facility to have mirror classes on different servers and being able to sincronize data.
I think (with a little help) I should be able to have the old Xiao's scripts working.
But before going on, I would like to have some hint on the kind of functionalities we will need (and the kind of secuirity checks we should add: just to avoid that teachers erase their own classes with a click). Also we should think whether it is worth to revise a bit this section, as the adm/raw module has been greatly improved since this
functionalities were first conceived.
So far:
- with the current revision (just uploaded r5174) the "sincronize _local_ class" seems to be working for classes with type=0. If you mix class types things can go wild (seems to work type=1 vs type=0, did not try to check other parings: what do we really need for real usage?)
- the "sincronize _remote_ class" does not work: a file is missing (should be adm/connect/.sync/update), I ckecked old wims archives (cfr. http://wims.unice.fr/download/wims/old/) and such file seems to never have been in the distribution: if you happen to know just let me know. If we do not find such file, I'd rather drop this option
These are the functionality available:
- class definition: calls adm/raw with job=getclass and copies from the remote class the class definition (password supervisor description institution email lang limit level secure expiration homepage bgcolor bgimg css refcolor: anything to be added?); calls job=getuser and gets the supervisor account
- user list: calls adm/raw with job=getcsv and gets the list of users with some attributes
(login,lastname,firstname,password,email,external_auth,regnum,comments,participate,supervise: anything to be added?)
- score averages: calls job=getcsv and gets <tt>login,averages</tt>: is it useful? I mean, can you really upload averages via csv?
- score details: calls job=getcsv and gets <tt>login,allscore</tt>: again, is this really useful? You cannot upload automatic scores via csv, do you?
- all but class definition: calls job=getclasstgz and gets a gzipped copy of the whole class. While unzipping take cares of files in the "score" and "noscore" directoris (merging the files and checking for double lines)(not really tested), but copies all the rest of the files (e.g. the forum??). The copy is done via "cp" and should be safe (options "-Rp --no-dereference"), but need to be checked (can we be soure it does not overwrite important files?)
Any hint more than welcome. Just let me know