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RE: logout [ Reply ]
By: joke evers on 2012-06-15 21:07
I do not mind !
Most students log out, in order to login again
( to get a new try on an test/exam.)


logout [ Reply ]
By: Bernadette Perrin-Riou on 2012-06-15 20:12
I was thinking to change the redirection when one logout a class.
Now, we are redirected on the wims Page d'accueil. I was thinking to redirect on the list of classes.

My reason :
- in case of CAS authentification, the participant should want to go
in another class. Then I will put in this case on this page a "cas logout" connexion (more difficult on the WIMS Home page).
In general, he has no reason to go specially on the WIMS home page.

But I don't really know.So if you do not agree, I will not insist and we will see by usage.
