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RE: Translation : prepared models [ Reply ]
By: Eric Reyssat on 2012-07-06 12:45
Thank you for answering !

I didn't think of this possibility of symlinking which may save some translation effort. Good idea.

One drawback (maybe not a real one in the present use of worldwide WIMS servers) is that all servers which are (or might be) used by dutch people (to take an example) "should" make this symlink.

For instance Bostjan Kuzman told us he has some slovenian classes on a french server (not up to date, this is another question) : should this server symlink english to "si" directory ? And who decides that it is best to symlink english rather than spanish or french to slovenian (the choice is quite easy in this case, but may be less clear for other languages) ?

In any case, I'll wait some days before taking any decision of duplicating or not the prepared model directory for other languages


RE: Translation : prepared models [ Reply ]
By: joke evers on 2012-07-06 12:25
As for Dutch language: I am not planning to translate the "prepared createxo models".
Most people from the Netherlands read/write english very well (small country ;always adapt...)
On the Leiden mirror we symlink the english model to the "nl" directory.

On all other issues the dutch language will -naturally- follow closely

kind regards,

Translation : prepared models [ Reply ]
By: Eric Reyssat on 2012-07-06 12:14
The functionalities of the createxo heavily depend on the language and I wonder what is intentional and what is not.

For slovenian, the createxo startpage is much different from the english one (choose the english or slovenian flag then click on createxo, and compare).

Another difference is in prepared models : there is a possibility in createxo to construct an exercise from a prepared model (see the english page of createxo).
These models are stored in public_html/scripts/model, one directory for each language... but not all languages : only ca,cn,en,fr,it. Once again, is it intentional ?

If nobody complains, I'll try to make this more coherent by adding the functionality for all languages (even if the examples are in french or english). Of course this implies more work for translators when some model is changed or added, but I find it useful for anybody to get this possibility.

Any opinion ?

Eric Reyssat