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Forum: MassChroQ 2.1.4

Posted by: Olivier Langella
Date: 2015-11-27 10:44
Summary: MassChroQ 2.1.4
Project: MassChroQ


 Version 2.1.4 of MassChroQ, called \"Yacare Caiman\" is now released. What is new in this version?

  • official support for multithread. It can now uses as much CPU cores as you want in the limit of your hardware capacity.XICs quantification are then made in parallel. On a typical computer "quadcore", MassChroQ can run 2 to 3 times faster than previous versions.
  • There is a bug fix concerning the parameter "maxmin half edge" that was taken into account in the detection method. The consequences are limited because the value was replaced by the "minmax half edge" which is a realistic value. Thanks to Samuel Granjeaud to have reported this problem.
  • Minor changes have been made to have more details on XML syntax errors, missing files, permission problems.

This version brings also a new XML schema. It is totally compatible with the previous version and adds the possibility to describe amino acid modifications on peptides with a PSI MOD accession (the official ontology to describe modifications).
This features will be used in the next upcoming version of MassChroQ to compute natural isotope theoretical abundance and enhance specificity and sensibility of measured XICs.


MassChroQ is available for Linux and Windows at :


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Bienvenue sur masschroq-2.1.4- [ Reply ]
By: Olivier Langella on 2015-11-27 10:44
Bienvenue sur masschroq-2.1.4-