Forum: SWASHES as a Conda package and SWASHES as a Python library
Posted by: Frédéric Darboux
Content: Thanks to Laurent Courty, there is a new way to install SWASHES, and a new way to run it! If you are using the Conda package manager, the SWASHES package is available at SWASHES is also available as a Python library named pyswashes.
Frédéric Darboux, for the SWASHES development team. | Latest News
SWASHES as a Conda package and SWASHES as a Python library - 2018-01-15 15:39 -
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Bienvenue sur swashes-as-a-conda-package-and-swashes-as-a-python-library [ Reply ] By: Frédéric Darboux on 2018-01-15 15:39 | [forum:88663] |
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