Project Filelist for Développement de WIMS
File Release Notes and Changelog
Release Name: wims4.02
Release Notes
New stable release of WIMS. It is recommanded to read the README which is also in the package. In the case of a new installation, it is recommanded to get the script and download with it all the pedagogical modules of the download center of WIMSEDU. The script is recommanded if you update frome a 4.00 to 4.01g version. It deletes some unnecessary files. From the Changelog --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.02 [r4495] 2011-07-28: improve html menu in documents (BPR). 2011-07- : add terms of service (cgu). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.01g [r4390] 2011-07-13: add href primitive in document and cdt (BPR) 2011-07-08: participants can view list of exercises of a skill (FG) 2011-07-05: increase memory when launching gap in config.c 2011-07-05: change the stat slib according of new octave functions and fix some bugs. (Sophie Lemaire and BPR) [r4330] 2011-07-03: the names of the authors will be firstname,lastname and will be treated uniformly according to language; it is also possible to put an email for each authors (this last possibility is not compatible with wims version < 4.02). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.01f [r4248] 2011-06 : add new jobs in module adm/raw (used in connection with other platforms) (OB) 2011-06-09: modification in votes (in particular add checkbox, display result in a table) r[4191] (FG) 2011-06-: slib (BPR) - help can be now translated - add option url and html in slib drawings 2011-06- in a superclass, a teacher can be a participant in a class and a supervisor in another one (BPR) 2011-06: add some models (flashcard, hanging game, crossword, ...) (BPR) 2011-05-15: add variables lastname, firstname, login, lang in oef exercise (BPR) 2011-05-: add some css classes to replace <tt></tt> (BPR) 2011-04-20: add option word nohour nominute to slib/draw/clock (FG) 2011-04-06: add binheight to the applet Plinko [r4033] (BPR) 2011-03-19: security in pari - very crucial [r3902] - kill warning in Octave ( >=3.00) - update interface with m2 ( > 1.1) 2011-03-18: - general clean up in the Makefile and the configure file (Karim Belabas) - kill compiler warnings. - separate the wrapuid functionnality in 3 scripts : setwrapexec (essential and needed for safe operation of external programs), setchroot, setwimsd - clean bashism 2011-02-19 : add logout in modtool (BPR) [r3768] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.01e [r3745] 2011-02-14: add linguistics category (BPR) [r3742] 2011-02-12: add prohibited words in forum messages (BPR) [r3732] 2011-02-07: replaced strcpy function in C code to avoid problem on 64 bits machines in case of overlapping strings (ER) [r3717-3718] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.01d [r3707] 2011-01-30: add transfer class document in modtool (BPR) [r3704] 2011-01-30: add transfer from createxo to modtool (BPR) [r3700] 2010-12-05: add html editor to documents (BPR) ([r3618]) 2010-12-04: a document block can be embedded in another document (bpr [r3616]) 2010-11-25: change preambule for maxima (i is now %i) (bpr) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.01c [r3585] 2010-11-17: delete bin/passcrypt [r3578] 2010-11-10: update tooltip, latex2wims [r3553] 2010-10-16: add small exec utility moneyprint (JE) [r3519] 2010-08-28: add variable instex_texheader (value can be defined in wims module) - add header file for frcursive ([r3416 and others] bpr 2010-08-21: add crossword anstype, crossword slib and crossword program in src/Misc/crossword from the jigsaw.c ([r3397] bpr) 2010-06--: add editor for createxo (OB) - integration of the OEF documentation (not finished). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wims.4.01a [r3378] 2010-07-18: add puzzle anstype (bpr) 2010-07-18: fix bug in insdraw..processor : datamodule was not interpreted and images in $common_images were not found in this repertory when call with copy flydraw command. 2010-07-16: add oef command teximg (gives the address of some tex text, can be used to be copied in a draw image (bpr). 2010-06-2: fix introduced bugs in modtool (bpr). 2010-06-11: add the variables title_$lang in oef modules. (bpr) 2010-06-11: Variable wims_main_dir, defining client dir(ection). (ER) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Change Log
The patch patch-4.02.1.tgz fixes a bug introduced in the choice of the publication center. It must be applied after decompressing and untaring wims-4.02.tgz