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Project Filelist for Développement de WIMS

File Release Notes and Changelog

Release Name: wims4.04

Release Notes
Parts of the modifications since version 4.02
-- add symbolic links for nl, si, es models on english models
-- directexec becomes a multilanguage module
-- add MathML; add mathmlmath command - accessible by !mathmlmath, zoom is available in mathml 
     (can be desactivated for particular activities)
-- add css styles for simple/sample tables (wimsborder, wimsnoborder) 
-- version 0.94 of jsxgraphcore.js, HTML Virtual Keyboard Interface Script - v1.49
-- Alert message can be send to user connected by supervisor 
-- supervisor can see if participants are connected 
-- the creator of a subclass can register another teacher in his class.
-- the administrator of a level can upload cvs files.
-- add the "besoin d'aide" in the sheetsource of a document
-- in a superclass, the creator of a class can give a gestion access to another teacher
-- Add guided mode in vote
-- can erase a block of a document 
-- Supervisor can see which participants of a class are connected 
-- Added graphical interactive interface to add help to a series of a sheet 
-- Added small exec utility scienceprint
-- External authentification and identification are implemented.
    Add supervise (and participate) fields in the properties of a participant which can be
    changed by the administrator (case of superclasses).     
    In case of external authentification : in a superclass, the teacher who wants to 
    go in another class must ask to its supervisor.  
-- Improved navigation in superclass (access right)
-- a vote can be desactivate if there is no votant yet or if there is no content. 
    If one save before fill the content, the title is saved (no error message). It is not possible 
    to activate if there is no content. 
-- add  slib command in document. 
-- add jsxgraph (javascript); add ggb2jsxgraph slib; add the interface in directexex.
-- can use ggbBase64 filestring in geogebra3 slib. If showAlgebraView=false, a blank
    ggbBase64 filestring is used (if there is no other ggbBase64). 
-- when modifying the source of an OEF exercice in Modtool, the link "testing" goes
    directly to the exercise. 
-- some part of the differences are printed when a diff is asked in modtool. 
-- Add edit_area javascript ( for coloration of code in Modtool 
-- Presentation of OEF intro modules, of the home page of a gateway has been improved
-- the help link in sheet can be modified when the sheet is active (do not influence notation) 
-- improvment in latex2wims (minipage, lstlistings are interpreted) 
-- build automatically the list of css style.
-- build list of modules asking to be trusted (must have the line ask_trusted=yes in the 
     module file var.init). This list is showed in the help of the field "trusted_module" 
     in manager module .
-- add "credits" field in OEF exercises to be inserting at the end of the exercise ;
-- add the list of authors who are not the main authors (have made exercises) in an OEF module intro 
-- supervisor can disallowed score interruption by participant  
-- in mboard, messages not yet read are in red (css style wims_forum_item_toread) 
-- add slib/geo3D/drawtile (draw cubes in 3D)
-- add slib to manipulate blank in oef exercises (replace a blank by a character or a character by a blank).
-- add bound option in anstype javacurve. Allow multiple select click in regions 
   (analyzed as in anstype coord (option bound))
-- add option absolute in the anstype numeric
-- mail in forum is send to all teachers of the class in the case of a superclass
-- can put the address of a module in the search engine to find it.
-- possibility to add an administrative local module in the menu in a theme
   (must create a file local.phtml in the themes with variable wims_local_menu_items
   as the commun variable wims_menu_items) - only do it for the standard theme.
-- add some template file (manager_msg.phtml.template, motd.phtml.template)
-- one can go directly to the properties of a student after his inscription by the teacher
-- fix some bugs when the list of students is big (userlist, sendmail, photoboard).
-- site manager may enter ldap parameters, they will by default in all classes
-- add imageclick tool accessible from createxo and modtool
-- add anstype multipleclick, chessgame
-- help link after an exercise of a sheet can be introduced by the teacher.

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