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Project Filelist for Développement de WIMS

File Release Notes and Changelog

Release Name: 4.07c

Release Notes
from the Changelog

  - the link "next exercise" and "previous exercise" in the sheet appear now
   after the answer is given (at the end of the series if there is a series).
  - correct bug in open classes (files .require was not always good)
  - only score indicators used in the formula appear in the student side.
  - new slib for chemistry: cram, leftind
  - modifications in the presentation of sheets - doc - vote - exam, exercises in sheets
  colors can be choosen by the teacher
  - cdt does not appear if there is nothing inside.
  - java -> jsxgraph in the tool coordclick (J. Lyotard)
  - rawdata are seen by the student - IP are not shwown if the user is "anonymous"
  (example classes in particular).
2014-06-06: [r7865] add chemtool (administrative module).
2014-06-05: [r7860] add chemistry slib creating an svg figure with a Newman
  representation (Yves Noel)
2014-06-02: [r7848] added evaluation functions in libwims (D. Bernardi).
2014-05-31: [r7836] add possibility to choose the colors in the activity presentation
  by the teacher.
2014-05-29: if the expiration date of a sheet is previous than the now date, it
  is changed to the class expiration date when the sheet is activated.
2014-05-26: fix gestion access : could not be added by the administrator
2014-05-04: add the possibility to filter the notes according to some criteria
 given in the user properties - multi conditions are possible.
2014-05-03: add classification module for participative work.
2014-04-14: [r7644] size of the classes are calculated during the daily housekeep
 and write in the file .du in classes.
2014-04-12: [r7637] add !getscorebest for the new indicator.
2014-04-07: [r7612] add a new indicator for the score (mean of the n better scores
  if 10n is the number of required points) as an alternative to
  "cumulative points". Add new formulas using this indicator.

2014-04-07: [r7609] modify exostat.c
  - separate score and noscore (not only from the directory).
  - add possibility to ask stats only for one user or/and one sheet
   (the syntax of the output is different, not quite definitive)
  - add the ten best notes for each exo in case of one or multiple user
  (only if the env user variable is empty).
2014-04-07: [r7602] add !getscorelast and !getscoretry

No change log