Project Filelist for Développement de WIMS
File Release Notes and Changelog
Release Name: wims4.19d
Release Notes
wims.4.19d [14689] 2020-02-22: [r14669] lemaire [help] modification of the doc for anstypes chemdraw and chemclick and the jsme help 2020-02-20: [r14667] bpr add the possibility to add some "intrus" in the list of etiquettes in coordclick models 2020-02-20: [r14664] bpr add option linkedranditem in wims command embraced (work in progress) 2020-02-15: [r14658] bpr [mathml] add \not\subset 2020-02-11: [r14652] bpr [fix] add option -a to grep in mkindex for oef compilation 2020-02-10: [r14646] bpr add the possibility to have multiple "besoin d aide" 2020-02-09: [r14644] bpr [fix] english anstype help in createxo by modtool was empty 2020-02-07: [r14642] lemaire [help] Updating the jsme applet helper 2020-02-06: [r14637] guerimand [minor] add option nolink to forum configuration 2020-02-03: [r14631] obado [minor/js] Add the "marked" JS library, to automatically render an .md fil in HTML. See it in wimsdoc.en for the "anstype help". 2020-02-03: [r14630] obado [minor] reformat anstype/README with markdown style 2020-02-02: [r14629] bpr fix title in help when using langchoice for multilangage modules 2020-02-02: [r14626] bpr fix left_int in checkmolc (it returned always 0), thanks to D. Bernardi 2020-01-20: [r14614] guerimand [major] suppress href tag in partialdetag + process for variable instead of file 2020-01-16: [r14609] czzmrn [minor/lang] examples in carrousel take title and description in the visitor language 2020-01-15: [r14608] obado [minor/mathjax] delay MathJax library load after complete page load, to avoid some problems with other libraries like dynapi 2020-01-15: [r14606] bpr delete some bad links in useropts 2020-01-14: [r14605] bpr [keywords] chemistry 2020-01-14: [r14604] bpr in special method mathmlinput, it is now possible to put two mathmlinput in one page. 2020-01-11: [r14602] guerimand script to partialdetag a file 2020-01-10: [r14601] obado [minor/css] make hanging.oef model more responsive with css flex 2020-01-10: [r14600] obado [minor/oef] improve accessibility on some OEF models 2020-01-07: [r14598] guerimand [major] use !detag search_keywords variable in search engine 2020-01-06: [r14596] schaersvoorde canvasdraw:'stringup' may now be set onclick (drag&drop not supported) 2020-01-06: [r14595] obado [minor/js] upgrade some js libraries : * TinyMCE 5.0.15 -> 5.1.5 * What-input v5.2.3 -> v5.2.6 2020-01-06: [r14593] bpr [search_engine] for supervisor, in case of an exercise in an OEF module, the link will go in the intro menu with exercise selected. 2020-01-05: [r14590] schaersvoorde canvasdraw: command 'latex'
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