Project Filelist for Développement de WIMS
File Release Notes and Changelog
Release Name: wims4.21e
Release Notes
2020-12-28: [r15619] bpr add compilation of doc 1028 2020-12-27: [r15611,r15613] schaersvoorde [minor/canvasdraw] corrected command "parallel", to be more compatible with flydraw & affine transformations 2020-12-27: [r15610] bpr [minor] tchat does not appear in the cgu pages (in general adm/light) 2020-12-26: [r15608] bpr [minor] hide the module adress in case of an exolog / examlog for the student. 2020-12-26: [r15606] bpr [exam] exam score has 2 decimals (hope !) 2020-12-26: [r15605] bpr [about] no about when wims_user is not empty or surpervisor or developper (the test was not good) 2020-12-26: [r15604] bpr [slib] add canvasdraw as option in slib circuits 2020-12-26: [r15602] bpr [adm/userscore/csv] add to exam scores for the different sessions 2020-12-24: [r15601] schaersvoorde [minor/canvasdraw] solved some issues with curve & affine/rotate 2020-12-22: [r15600] schaersvoorde [minor/canvasdraw] command "fillpattern image_url" was gone fishing! 2020-12-21: [r15598] bpr [canvasdraw] add the module which compare flydraw and canvadraw. For the moment, no link to it (see README) because it should be checked and modify. 2020-12-21: [r15597] bpr [anstype] image mode only if ans_require=dynapi3 2020-12-21: [r15596] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] checking on correct usage of parenthesis in functions 2020-12-18: [r15595] bpr [createxo/help] delete some link (don't work in the help from the home page) 2020-12-18: [r15594] bpr [glossary] from eulerwims 2020-12-15: [r15591] bpr [fix] glossary was not in the list of the special subjects help 2020-12-15: [r15590] bpr [fix] add limit in html5 - test parenthesis with checkallpar 2020-12-15: [r15588] bpr [major] add command checkallpar -- add/fix tests in wimstest 2020-12-13: [r15585] schaersvoorde [minor/transl] synchronized useropts.phtml 'nl' version with 'en' 2020-12-13: [r15584] bpr [adm/class/glossary] fix the modification of glose titles 2020-12-12: [r15583] bpr [useropts] by default the zoom is disactivated (the test was not good). 2020-12-11: [r15581] bpr [src2def] adapt to be able to compile documents in the directory basis/doc 2020-12-11: [r15579] bpr [minor] take in account scoremax in the userexambar 2020-12-11: [r15578] czzmrn [minor/lang] Italian 2020-12-10: [r15576] and + bpr [oef/button] take in account series of exercises 2020-12-10: [r15574] bpr [improvment] case of seedrepeat>0: the button renew is replaced by Try before the last allowed try + msg 2020-12-10: [r15573] bpr [src debug] add a variable tmp_debug_use_var: each time one of this variable is used, its value is put in the debugging trace. 2020-12-10: [r15571] bpr [exam] add bar for exam in sequence 2020-12-09: [r15569] bpr [exam] add bar showing the differents sessions in the list of exam. 2020-12-08: [r15568] obado [tinyMCE] Remove "link" button for students in freework. (change by Marina & Fabrice, thanks ;) 2020-12-07: [r15567] czzmrn [minor/language] updating Italian help files [minor/language] updating Italian help files (work in progress) 2020-12-07: [r15564] guerimand [minor/bugfix] lost of seealltime option in a frewwork when modify other freework options 2020-12-06: [r15563] czzmrn [language/Italian] Italian words for bases/dic/it 2020-12-05: [r15562] bpr [userscore] add explanation (with mouse) to "details" in the exam list. 2020-12-05: [r15560] czzmrn [minor/lang] move out of the way potentially offensive fortunes 2020-12-05: [r15558] bpr [exam score] add colors for exercise scores and title of the exam.2020-12-03: [r15557] bpr 2020-12-03: [r15556] bpr [latex2wims] label must not have accents as they are used in balise a in html 2020-12-01: [r15555] bpr [slib/tabsignes] delete color:black which is useless 2020-12-01: [r15554] bpr [adddoc] add cmd=new if there is some parameters in the address of the tool to insert (for tools) 2020-12-01: [r15553] bpr [css] use ref_menucolor in latex2wims default styles 2020-11-27: [r15552] czzmrn [minor/lang] typos + updating Italian help files
No change log