Project Filelist for Développement de WIMS
File Release Notes and Changelog
Release Name: wims4.25a
Release Notes
2022-09-27: [r17110] bpr [autocompletion] 2022-09-27: [r17107] guerimand [minor,adm/raw] add wims_site_manager to job=getinfoserver 2022-09-27: [r17106] bpr [oef/form] add options in oef/form.phtml for avoiding autocompletion in pad (already there for "old computers". 2022-09-26: [r17105] guerimand [minor,adm/class/classes] display class logo on connexion page 2022-09-26: [r17104] guerimand [minor,adm/class/config] synchronize class_expiration in case of sharable/sharing to prevent link to empty directory 2022-09-26: [r17099] guerimand [minor,adm/gateway] use adm/gateway/mkindex before modify structure to prevent corrupted index file use 2022-09-26: [r17098] guerimand [minor,adm/class/swork] supervisor can exclude sheet or exercise with low class average 2022-09-24: [r17097] guerimand [minor,adm/class/swork] add pedagogical management 2022-09-22: [r17094] guerimand [minor,adm/class/activity] ccsum count activity in subclasses 2022-09-21: [r17092] guerimand [minor,adm/class/exam] bugfix cannot close an exam when only one exercice is launch without score and timeleft=0 2022-09-21: [r17089] guerimand [minor] forbidden access to module tchat, forum, sendmail in example class 2022-09-20: [r17088] bpr [mirror] add an italian mirror site 2022-09-20: [r17087] guerimand [minor] optimization scripts/oef/mkindex stop reading *.def file at first occurence find author,oefdescription ... 2022-09-19: [r17086] guerimand [minor,oef] bugfix in script mkindex when .oef file contain word author \ oefdescription oefobservation keywords in other use than command 2022-09-19: [r17085] bpr [polynet] add option tikz 2022-09-17: [r17079] bpr [slib] add animation in polynet and 3Dviewer 2022-09-17: [r17078] guerimand [minor,adm/class/exam] delete link "return to work" when no timeleft in an exam session 2022-09-15: [r17076] guerimand [minor,adm/raw] job=getmodulesstat no display line for a module without activity 2022-09-14: [r17075] bpr [deduc] change the choice of language 2022-09-13: [r17070] guerimand [minor,adm/class/swork] add new administrative module to automatically suggest work to participant (preliminary version) part 1 2022-09-13: [r17069] bpr [scenario] harmonisation + fix html 2022-09-12: [r17068] bpr [deductio] change template 2022-09-12: [r17065] bpr [deduc] internationalised. Modules using it are U1/analysis/intint, H4~analysis~dedineq0, H6~analysis~dedbound 2022-09-11: [r17053] bpr [mkindex] fix bug in src2def when there is * in a language title 2022-09-09: [r17051] guerimand [minor] bugfix link to score hidden in case of bad format of .grades 2022-09-09: [r17049] czzmrn [minor/menu _proc/usermmenumodubox.proc] if auth_method=php the link otherclasses does not make sense 2022-09-09: [r17048] czzmrn [testing adm/class/idp_php] allow students (already registered in a groupement) to register to a subclass of the groupement when the subclass password is empty 2022-09-07: [r17046] bpr [deduc] replace modul_language by modu_lang in the files, to be able to give another definition for internationalisation, should change nothing for the moment 2022-09-07: [r17043] bpr [fixbug] when stopshare, seq was not taken in account. 2022-09-06: [r17041] guerimand [minor,adm/class/exolog] bugfix char with accent are deleted from message user send to supervisor 2022-09-05: [r17039] bpr [polynet] use the fonction t^1/2 for the animation instead of t 2022-09-05: [r17037] guerimand [minor,adm/class/activity] job=workingtime bugfix first week of each month have 8 days 2022-09-05: [r17036] guerimand [minor,adm/class/activity] job=workingtime alarm message in case of class in portal/groupement activity is global and not local in the class + improvment 2022-09-05: [r17035] guerimand [minor,script] problem in year calculation for nextday prevday in case of changing year 2022-09-04: [r17032-r17028] czzmrn [openclasses] replace deprecated modules [open class] update link (the class is archived=yes, anyway better update links) 2022-09-02: [r17024] bpr [src/modind] counts was not updated for sheets 2022-09-02: [r17023] bpr [mkindex] the field information is now sorted as title and description 2022-09-01: [r17019] guerimand [minor,adm/class/exolog] bugfix mail not send to supervisor in job=log 2022-08-31: [r17017] bpr [about] add translation language 2022-08-30: [r17014] gmarbeuf [jsxgraph] updated help in french on using anstype jsxgraph in responsive version 2022-08-29: [r17013] czzmrn [open class] use non deprecated oef (no - in filename) 2022-08-27: [r17011] bpr [open class] use non deprecated version in open classes 2022-08-25: [r17008] obado [minor/ accessibility] add "role=button" for each !href with class containing "button" (wims_button, wims_button_help...) 2022-08-25: [r17007] guerimand [minor,theme] display userscorelink + usermanagelink in testzone of a program 2022-08-23: [r17006] obado Revert deployggb.js to r.12542 (GeoGebra v. 5.0.452.0) 2022-08-20: [r17004] bpr [geo3D/polynet] slib added 2022-08-19: [r17002] bpr [slib/3Dviewer] change the value of zoom 2022-08-18: [r16996] bpr [slib/3Dviewer] option for faces 2022-08-17: [r16992] bpr [script gp] 2022-08-17: [r16990] bpr [slib deprecated threeD] delete title in en 2022-08-16: [r16988] bpr [taxonomy] use the files title_lang if they exist created now by modind 2022-08-16: [r16987] bpr [modind] add generation of title_* for * a lang in site 2022-08-13: [r16979] bpr [quizzintro] use lang if it exists 2022-08-12: [r16970] czzmrn [openclasses] Italian open class 1397 sheet keywords&tiding up for indexing 2022-08-12: [r16968] czzmrn [minor/openclass] Italian class 1368 fix sheets headers + html for indexing 2022-08-08: [r16960-r16961] bpr [randic] use a variable lang_randic [exec randic] take language in variable lang if it exists (instead of module_language). 2022-08-07: [r16955] bpr [search_engine] add translation language in the list when searching 2022-08-07: [r16952] bpr [src/config.c] add translation_language and deprecated in lists of fields which can be find by the command !module 2022-08-04: [r16950] bpr [adm/new] deprecated modules are printed in a new link 2022-08-02: [r16946] czzmrn [fix?] adm/class/activity: temporary fix for groupement the activity is logged in a uniq file for the whole groupement (see comments in file), need to be checked for portals 2022-08-01: [r16942-r16943] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw: quick fixed a fatal browser lock-up caused by 'responsiveness' in case of 'clickfill' 2022-07-28: [r16937] bpr [printversion] add latex version for sheet with oef exercises with latex version. + changed presentation. work in progress 2022-07-25: [r16935] bpr [polyhedre_off index2] doublons 2022-07-22: [r16926] guerimand [minor,adm/class/activity] add a message in case of no activity for the student 2022-07-22: [r16925] bpr [publish] delete choice devel when publication 2022-07-20: [r16921] guerimand [minor,adm/class/config] manage of personnal presentation page of sheet when import a sheet in a class 2022-07-19: [r16920] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw:added missing dashing to some objects 2022-07-19: [r16919] guerimand [minor,adm/sheet] personalisation of sheet page presentation is now independant of document 2022-07-18: [r16916] bpr [fix] fix missing answer in draw (to check) 2022-07-18: [r16915] guerimand [minor] bugfix some variable of $x.def not writable/readable in case of use of document in presentation page for sheet or class (TMP bugfix) 2022-07-18: [r16913-r16914] guerimand [minor,adm/sheet] bugfix cannot display img in sheet when use doc to make presentation 2022-07-18: [r16912] bpr [polynet] add option html, raw, add possibility to print only some vertex legend. 2022-07-16: [r16910] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw:solved long standing issue of dashed arrow(s) and dashed arrow(s) 2022-07-11: [r16906] obado [minor/Codemirror] New coding/editor slib version (by J. Lyotard) 2022-07-09: [r16905] bpr [polyedre_off] update english version; small typo in and 2022-07-07: [r16903] guerimand [minor,adm/class/activity] add display connexion time of each participant for each day (work in progress) using ccaccount statistics 2022-07-06: [r16900] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw:'clearbutton' 2022-07-05: [r16898] bpr [polynet] in case of false net (with intersection), try again. 2022-07-05: [r16896-r16895] gmarbeuf [minor/slib jsxgraph] help and comments in english and french 2022-07-05: [r16894] gmarbeuf [slib jsxgraph] new option scroll to add a scroll bar in case of overflow 2022-07-05: [r16893] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw: corrected flaw in 'clearbutton' 2022-07-05: [r16892] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw: 'group' 2022-07-04: [r16891] guerimand [minor,adm/class/activity] hide link back2 when not necessary + cleaning 2022-07-01: [r16888] guerimand [minor,createxo] bug11302 : bad link in about page for oef exercise in case of test in modtool 2022-07-01: [r16887] bpr [adm/manage] warning if one try to give right to publish in local to a non developper 2022-06-29: [r16886] bpr [slib] slib for the patron of a polyhedra and slib offdraw 2022-06-29: [r16885] obado [OEF/QCM] Add templates to simplify OEF/QCM Modules 2022-06-29: [r16884] bpr [fix] small bug: the link cas in links.phtml must be the same in adm/class/classes/participant2.phtml 2022-06-29: [r16883] obado [minor/jsxgraph] Improve responsivity + now jsxgraph is centered + correct display bug of oef_indXX icon on top of jsxgraph + add new icon for oef_indpartial 2022-06-28: [r16882] schaersvoorde [minor/svn] canvasdraw: 'group' work in progress 2022-06-28: [r16880] bpr [manage] add ariane for geolocoption and optionalmod + harmonize with other pages 2022-06-28: [r16878] guerimand [minor,adm/class/exam] exolist order not change at each time student go out module adm/class/exam when use option exrandomlist 2022-06-28: [r16877] guerimand [minor,adm/modtool] bad link to general documentation and createxo documentation in help of modtool
No change log