Project Filelist for Tools for QGIS or GeoPandas
File Release Notes and Changelog
Release Name: 0_1_7
Release Notes
Version 0.1.7 - rev. 9440 - 6 Mai 2020 ---------------------------------------------------- * Enhance 5 classes in graph with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 4 classes in io with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 5 classes in isovist with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 1 class in sun with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 25 classes in misc with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 23 classes in morph with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 24 classes in morph:spatialAttributeFunctions:complex with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance 15 classes in morph:spatialFunctions:complex with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Enhance STSpatialCommand & STSpatialAttributeCommand with new QgsLayerUtilities.getQgsVectorLayer(...) invocation * Add new getQgsVectorLayer(...) static meth. to the QgsLayerUtilities impl. * Add GetX, GetY, and DistanceToXY 1st impl. * Rename EllipticHull{_,Area,MainAxis,MainAxisScalarProduct} => MABE{_,Area,MainAxis,MainAxisScalarProduct} * Rename STEllipseMin => STMinimumBoundingEllipse * Rename SmallestCircle{Area,Diameter,Perimeter} => MBC{Area,Diameter,Perimeter} * Rename SmallestEnclosingDisk => MBC, AreaCircularityDefect => MBCDefect * Rename several impl.: SPER{_,Defect,Stretching} => MPBR{_,Defect,Stretching} * Rename several impl.: SAER{_,Defect,Stretching} => MABR{_,Defect,Stretching} * Add new SmallestCircleArea and SmallestCirclePerimeter impl. * Debug BiggestInscribedStickScalarProduct and BiggestInscribedStick to be compatible with QGIS{2,3} * Debug Isovist2DUtilities to be compatible with QGIS{2,3} * Add Sequence, SequenceRadii, SequencesGeneration, and STCrossroadsGeneration 1st impl. * Enhance Skeletonization (adapt it to QGIS{2,3}, capability to handle XPolygons) * ArrayCoding compatibility w. QGIS{2,3} * Debug Word, SequencesGenerator, STPatternsGenerator to be compatible with QGIS{2,3} * Rewrite several tests to be compatible with QGIS{2,3} * Enhance VTUWriter impl. (replace "iface.messageBar().pushMessage(...)" by "Alert.message(...)") * Debug STOpenness & STBGOpenness * STIsovistField2D compatibility w. QGIS{2,3} * Enhance GraphAnalyzer impl. (adapt the add() meth. to handle polygonal geom.) * Enhance WaveletTools impl. (from math.log() to numpy.log2()) * Enhance ShannonEntropy impl. (from numpy.log() to numpy.log2()) * MemoryDriver.add(...) compatibility w. QGIS{2,3} * compatibility w. QGIS{2,3} * QgsLayerUtilities.getListOfLayers(...) compatibility w. QGIS{2,3} * t4qg_gui::groupLayers(...) compatibility w. QGIS{2,3} Version 0.1.6 - rev. 9045 - 31 Mar. 2020 ---------------------------------------------------- * Compatibility with QGIS 2.18.28 and QGIS 3.10.3 * Compatibility with GMSH 2.11.0 and GMSH 4.5.5 * Add Clip 1st impl. + STClip refactoring * Add SAERDefect & SPERDefect 1st impl. - remove AreaRectangularityDefect, MAERStretching, MinimalAreaEnclosingRectangle, and MinimalPerimeterEnclosingRectangle classes * Add MshReader.__readV4() 1st impl. (ability to handle new MSH file format) * Add Polygonize, SimplifyGeometries, and VoronoiPolygons 1st impl. * Add, 1st impl. * Add GeomType 1st impl. * Add SAERStretching and SPERStretching 1st impl. * Add SmallestCircleDiameter 1st impl. * Add SAER and SPER 1st impl. * Add RectangleSideLength and HeywoodDiameterLength 1st impl. * Add CaliperLib, CaliperDiameter, CaliperLength, CaliperOrientation and CaliperStretching 1st impl. * Add DiameterLib, Diameter, DiameterLength and DiameterOrientation 1st impl. * Add CenteringAndScaling 1st impl. * Add StoddartEllipticityIndex and MortonIndex 1st. impl. * Add StrUtilities 1st impl. * Add Dogniaux, Perraudeau, Perez, PerrinDeBrichambaut, and PlotDirectNormalIrradiance 1st impl. * Enhance RotatingCalipers and impl. * Enhance FrequencyHistogram impl. * Add STReproject 1st impl. * Add and enhance new,, and impl. * Add and enhance new EllipticHullUtilities3, and EllipticHullUtilities4 impl. * Add BiggestInscribedDiscRadius 1st impl. * Add BiggestInscribedDisc 1st impl. Version 0.1.5 - rev. 8044 - 15 Jul. 2019 ---------------------------------------------------- * Add SunshineDuration and SunshineDurationOnTopOfRoof 1st impl. * Debug setBlueRed5GraduatedSymbol(...) static meth. (in the script) * Add InteriorPoint 1st impl. * Add new GeomUtilities.getInteriorPoint(...), Epsilon.round(...) impl. * Add STShapeEncoding and STShapeDecoding 1st implementation * Update script (with new exportPng(...) fct.) * Add SkyViewFactorOnTopOfRoof 1st implementation * Add STFacadesOrientation 1st implementation * Add MeanAngularityTools and CrossroadRecognitionMeanAngularity 1st impl. * Add MeanVectorTools and CrossroadRecognitionMeanVector 1st impl. * Add FourierTools and CrossroadRecognitionFFT 1st impl. * Add WaveletTools, RectifyByWavelet, and CrossroadRecognitionFWT 1st impl. * Add STSelect 1st implementation * Enhance script * Enhance AttrOperation impl. * Add SegmentOrientation 1st implementation * Add Boxplots 1st implementation * Add STEllipseMin 1st implementation * Add RectangleMainOrientation, RectangleStretching 1st implementations * Enhance STSampleLineStrings, PolylinesSampling impl. and script * Enhance, scripts * Add CurvilinearAbscissa and PolylinesSampling2 1st implementations * Add 1st implementation * Add and enhance new EllipticHullUtilities2 implementation * Add EllipticHullMainAxisScalarProduct 1st implementation * Add EllipticHull and EllipticHullMainAxis 1st implementations * Add 1st implementation * Debug EllipseUtilities and EllipticHullUtilities implementations * Enhance Epsilon and GeomUtilities implementations * Enhance STSunshineHours implementation * Enhance implementation Version 0.1.4 - rev. 7131 - 04 Feb. 2019 ---------------------------------------------------- * Add 1st implementation * Add STSunshineHours 1st implementation * Refactor SunPosition implementation * Add EllipseUtilities, EllipticHullUtilities 1st implementation * Enhance STStreetsAndSquaresRecognition implementation * Add CSVWKTWriter 1st implementation * Enhance SVGWriter implementation * Enhance STJoinQuery implementation * Enhance CSVReader implementation * Add SphericalProjection & SkyMap2D 1st implementations * Add IntersectionUtilities 1st implementation (+ STExtractIntersections full refactoring) * Add BiggestInscribedStick, and BiggestInscribedStickScalarProduct 1st implementations * Add PartialHMean, PartialAspectRatio, and PartialSkyViewFactor 1st implementations * Add SVFUtilities 1st implementation * Add new test_isovists_{1,2}.py scripts * Add PartialRayCasting, PartialIsovist2D 1st implementations * Add new prepareOrientedShootingAzims(...) static meth. in the RayCastingUtilities impl. * Add STEllipse 1st implementation * Enhance MshReader implementation (ability to detect file format version) * Enhance implementation (add label to the exportPdf(...) function) Version 0.1.3 - rev. 6460 - 18 Sep. 2018 ---------------------------------------------------- * Add Plot 1st implementation * Add {t4qg_gui,t4qg_io,t4qg_misc,t4qg_symbol}.py 1st implementation * Add Alert and T4qgVersion 1st implementations * Add DirectionalOrPanopticRayCasting 1st implementation * Add RayCastingUtilities 1st implementation (+ adapt Isovist2D) * Add LCZMatching 1st implementation * Add SVGWriter 1st implementation * Add AngularAbscissa, RayAzimuthOffsets, RayAzimuths, RayLengths, STUnion, and VCToPyplot 1st implementation * Add RectifyByFourier, RectifyByMeanAngularity, and RectifyByMeanVector 1st implementation * Add UpwindShape and UpwindVolume 1st implementation * Add STDifference 1st implementation * Add IsOutdoor and Translate 1st implementation * Add CSVWktReader 1st implementation * Add STExtractOpenSpaces and STSimplifyGeometries 1st implementation * Add GroupBy 1st implementation * Add STDuplicate 1st implementation * Add AttrOperation 1st implementation * Add Buffer 1st implementation * Add DirectionalOrPanoptic, AspectRatio, SkyViewFactor, BuildingSurfaceFraction, ImperviousSurfaceFraction, PerviousSurfaceFraction, HeightOfRoughnessElements, and LocalClimateZone 1st implementations * Add CanyonStreetOrSquare 1st implementation * Add STCityBlocks 1st implementation * Add STSpatialJoinQuery 1st implementation * Add SimpleSVF 1st implementation * Add PerviousSurface & UnbuiltSurfaceFraction 1st implementations * Add HMean & WMean 1st implementations * Add GmshTriangulator 1st implementation * Add PolylinesSampling, and Skeletonization 1st implementations * Add PanopticRayCasting & Isovist2D 1st implementations * Add RayCasting 1st implementation * Add STPolygonization 1st implementation * Add AbstractComplexSpatialAttributeFunction, STComplexSpatialAttributeCommand, and SimpleAspectRatio 1st impl. * Enhance GeomUtilities w. 2 new static meth.: isAnIndoorPoint(...), isAnOutdoorPoint(...) * Enhance SamplingOfPolyline + adapt STSampleLineStrings and GraphAnalyzer accordingly * Add MshReader 1st implementation * Add GeoWriter 1st implementation * Add MyNode, MyEdge 1st implementations * Add STDilatationErosion 1st implementation * Enhance STSampleLineStrings (do not register same node twice) * Add STPartitioningTheVoidOnNearestNeighbor 1st implementation * Add STVoronoiPartition 1st implementation (qgis:voronoipolygons wrapper) * Add DateTimeGenerator 1st implementation * Add QgsLayerUtilities.getNearestFeature(...) static method * Add SunPosition 1st implementation * Add STSelectOutdoorNodes 1st implementation * Add STBuffer and STExtent 1st implementations Version 0.1.2 - rev. 5816 - 26 Feb. 2018 ---------------------------------------------------- * Add AreaCircularityDefect 1st implementation * Add SmallestEnclosingDisk 1st implementation * Add ChrystalAlgorithm 1st implementation * Add MAERStretching 1st implementation * Add AreaRectangularityDefect 1st implementation * Add MinimalPerimeterEnclosingRectangle 1st implementation * Add MinimalAreaEnclosingRectangle 1st implementation * Add RotatingCalipers 1st implementation * Refactor and debug misc/STExplose implementation * Debug STProjectPointsOnto impl. * Add io/CSVReader 1st implementation * Add misc/STAppend 1st implementation * Add misc/STClip 1st implementation * Add io/VTUWriter 1st implementation * Add isovist/STZonalField2D 1st implementation * Debug & enhance morph/STSkeletonizeTheVoid * Debug graph/GraphAnalyzer (add sets in the __addPolyline(...) meth.) * Debug & refactor graph/{STToRoadsSections, STToRoadsSectionsAngles, STToRoadsSectionsNodes} impl. * Enhance & simplify morph/STMathematicsMoments (w. QgsLayerUtilities.getArrayOfFieldMaps(...)) * Enhance & simplify morph/STDerivative (w. QgsLayerUtilities.getArrayOfFieldMaps(...)) * Enhance & simplify morph/STDistanceToNearestEdge (w. QgsLayerUtilities.querySpatialIndex(...)) * Enhance morph/STSampleLineStrings (w. new output layer's attr. entitled 'gid') Version 0.1.1 - rev. 5656 - 15 Jan. 2018 ---------------------------------------------------- * Add new isovist/STBGOpenness impl. * Add new morph/spatialAttributeFunctions/{Max,Mean,Min,ShannonEntropy,StdDev}RayLength classes * Add new commons/GeomUtilities.lineNoder(...) static meth. * Add graph/STExtractCrossroadCenter 1st impl. * Debug commons/GeomUtilities.getKernel(...) static meth. * Enhance commons/QgsLayerUtilities (new querySpatialIndex(...) static meth.) * Add misc/STProjectPointsOnto 1st implementation * Refactor & enhance graph/STShortestPolygonalContours class * Debug & enhance graph/GraphAnalyzer impl. (debug & split buildAllPolygonalContours(...) into buildAll{Shortest,Longest}PolygonalContours(...)) Version 0.1.0 - rev. 5628 - 14 Dec. 2017 ---------------------------------------------------- * connectedSpaces, buildingsExtRings, patios = STConnectedSpacesAndPatios(inputLayer, buffDist=0.0).execute() * skeleton, nodes, voronoi = STSkeletonizeTheVoid(buildingsExtRings, samplingDist=10.0).execute() => la skeletonization ne cree plus que 3 couches, les retourne en sortie, et ne prend plus de smoothingDist puisqu'elle ne simplifie plus automatiquement les donnees d'entree. Il faut explicitement invoquer STConnectedSpacesAndPatios prealablement a la skeletonization * indic = STSpatialAttributeCommand([AreaConvexityDefect, GraveliusIndex, MillerIndex ], intersections, outputLayerName=None).execute() * STKernel a disparu - elle est remplacee par STSpatialCommand(Kernel, ...)
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