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Project Filelist for AudioVideoCast

File Release Notes and Changelog

Release Name: AudioVideoCours1-21.exe

Release Notes
- to avoid the lack of a Flash Player plugin for Internet Explorer 64bits the application will launch the default web browser (assuming the user browser have Flash plugin working)
- the preview feature is now using the web browser by default instead of Real Player
the DOS console is now hidden when the browser is launched
- minor esthetic changes : added logo University of Strasbourg instead of "Univ-r", background color changed in publishing window for better readability. 
Change Log
- to avoid the lack of a Flash Player plugin for Internet Explorer 64bits the application will launch the default web browser (assuming the user browser have Flash plugin working)
- the preview feature is now using the web browser by default instead of Real Player
the DOS console is now hidden when the browser is launched
- minor esthetic changes : added logo University of Strasbourg instead of "Univ-r", background color changed in publishing window for better readability.