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Web application Beta 0.6
See the release notes on the web application:
Public dataset: 2692 complete bacteria from Ensembl
- Available here:
Insyght's standalone virtual machine v2.0
A virtual machine (VM) allows for private analysis. Users can customize which genomes to compare, the blast parameters, etc. The standalone VM is an “.ova” image to be imported into a virtualization management environment (e.g., VirtualBox). See :
Public dataset: 210 complete reference Archaea from Uniprot
- Available here:
Guide on Insyght's user interface - v1.1
- Available here:
Guide on Insyght's user interface - v1.1
- Available here:
Insyght “In the cloud” - IFB VM "Bacterial genomics" v1.7
A virtual machine (VM) allows for private analysis. Users can customize which genomes to compare, the blast parameters, etc.
Concepts of homology and synteny in Insyght - version 1.0
- Available here: