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SCM Upgrade Information


Anonymous Access

Exemple for laruche-wims :

cd /path/to/your/local/repository/laruche-wims
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin https//

Developer Access

Substitute developername with the proper value.

Exemple for laruche-wims :

cd /path/to/your/local/repository/laruche-wims
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin git+ssh://
# Il sera probablement nécessaire de faire un pull avant tout commit :
git pull origin <branch>

Project description

La Ruche est un éditeur interactif produisant du code OEF (Open Exercise Format) pour insertion dans la plateforme d'enseignement WIMS.

Etablishment : A.D.E.M.E.

Public Tools
Tracker Tracker
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Files (1 releases in 1 packages)
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SCM Repository (Git: 0 updates, 116 adds)
Project Members