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Project description

S2M is a python program for modelling polycristalline aggregate for numerical simulation with crystallography information. It offers the capability to:

Create 3D realistic aggregate from 2D EBSD experimental data ; In this case, we can get a voxelized volume, driven by sphere or ellipsoid filling.
Create 3D voxel mesh based on the reconstruction process, or on several 2D tif images.
Create 3D tetrahedron mesh from voxel structure based on multiple materials marching cubes algorithm with following smoothing and remeshing algorithms.

- IDDN.FR.001.420032.000.S.A.2021.000.31235
- IDDN.FR.001.070003.000.S.C.2018.000.31235

cite vox2tet with :
Sinchuk and al ; X-ray CT based Multi-layer Unit Cell Modeling of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Textile Composites: Segmentation, Meshing and Elastic Property Homogenization
- Composite Structures, 2022.

Etablishment : E.N.S.M.A. de Poitiers

Project Information

Tags: computer science, Python, science, image processing, Imagerie 3D, python, python3

This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map Registered: 2017-10-20 12:44
Activity Ranking: 0
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