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Home My Page Projects Code Snippets Project Openings Tsetse_Spatial_PopDyn_Model
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Project description

This is the public version of a deterministic and mechanistic model of the spatio-temporal population dynamics of tsetse flies. The model is applied to the Niayes region in Senegal. Data used to calibrate processes (capture, ovarian age, pupal duration) as well as simulate a heterogeneous environment (temperature, carrying capacity) are provided. See README for more details.

To download the project (you must have git installed):
git clone

To cite : "Cecilia, H., Arnoux, S., Picault, S., Dicko, A., Seck, M. T., Sall, B., Bassène, M., Vreysen, M., Pagabeleguem, S., Bancé, A., Bouyer, J. and Ezanno, P. (2019). Environmental heterogeneity drives tsetse fly population dynamics and control. bioRxiv 515098, ver. 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. doi: 10.1101/493650"

Etablishment : INRA

SCM Upgrade Information


Anonymous Access

Exemple for spatial-tsetse :

cd /path/to/your/local/repository/spatial-tsetse
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin https//

Developer Access

Substitute developername with the proper value.

Exemple for spatial-tsetse :

cd /path/to/your/local/repository/spatial-tsetse
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin git+ssh://
# Il sera probablement nécessaire de faire un pull avant tout commit :
git pull origin <branch>

Project Information

Tags: vector control, ecology, population dynamics, Senegal, spatial model, mechanistic model, deterministic model, tsetse fly

This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map Registered: 2018-12-10 12:23
Public Tools
SCM Repository (Git: 2 updates, 375 adds)
Project Members