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cd /path/to/your/local/repository/spectrum-finder
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin https//

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Exemple for spectrum-finder :

cd /path/to/your/local/repository/spectrum-finder
git remote rm origin && git remote add origin git+ssh://
# Il sera probablement nécessaire de faire un pull avant tout commit :
git pull origin <branch>

Project description

SpectrumFinder allows to compare MS/MS fragmentation patterns between each other and evaluate their similarity without any a priori on their precursor mass.

SpectrumFinder permet de comparer des spectres de fragmentation MS/MS entre eux et d'évaluer leur similarité sans a priori sur la masse des précurseurs.

Etablishment : UMR de Génétique végétale

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This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map Registered: 2013-04-17 13:14
Activity Ranking: 0
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