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Traduction et optimisation d'une version un flux VolcFlow Matlab vers C.
Rewriting and optimization of a one-fluid VolcFlow Matlab into C.

In branch 'master', source of the flow is defined by drawing a binary (white or black) tiff file representing the geometry of the source on top of the MNT.
In branch 'VR' (git checkout VR), source of the flow is simply defined with parameters in command line.

How to cite :
Delage, E., & Kelfoun, K. (2020). VolcFlow-C. Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC).

Etablishment : C.N.R.S.

Project Information

Tags: Simulation

This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map Registered: 2023-03-06 16:00
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