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Module de compression sans perte flottant - Fortran

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J'ai implémenté ce module pour un logiciel d'évaluation génomique (genekit. V.Ducrocq). Ce module avait le double avantage de compresser les fichiers de données (format texte à l'origine) comportant plusieurs millions d'enregistrement mais également d'optimiser les communications entre les processus MPI. Il s'est avéré que le module était inutilisable pour les communications entre processus (déjà bien optimiser par les implémentations MPI existantes).

J'ai implémenté ce module à partir de l'article : "Fast Lossless Compression of Scientific Floating-Point Data." Ratanaworabhan et al

Le module implémente une classe principale CompressFPD64 pour l'interface de compression et de décompression et d'un ensemble de classe pour les prédictions (DataFilePredictorFPD, StridePredictorFPD, TwoStridePredictorFPD, FCMPredictorFPD)

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21.02015-05-12 08:51Olivier Filangi Delete

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Latest Snippet Version: 1.0

! Author : Olivier Dot Filangi At Gmail[.]FR
! This module provide a set of datatype to manage a fast lossless compression of floating point dara.
! Reference : Fast Lossless Compression of Scientific Floating-Point Data. Ratanaworabhan et al
! Two classes of Predictors : DataFilePredictorFPD,StridePredictorFPD manage a prediction of value to compress data.
! The class CompressFPD64 manage the stream of compressed data
! Module COMPRESS_FLOATING_POINT_DATA de compression adapté aux fichiers de performances contenant des flottants
! Proprietes :
!   1) Utilisation d'un predicteur avec un historique ( = nombre de colonne pour un fichier)
!   2) XOR entre cette valeur et la valeur
!   3) sauvegarde du ZCL (zero count leading) + DIFF
! modification
! 24/06/2014 donnée membre "stream" du type CompressFPD64 pointe vers null à l'initialisation
module compress_fpd
    implicit none

!#define DEBUG_MOD
#undef DEBUG_MOD

    integer, parameter, private :: sp = selected_real_kind(6, 37)
    integer, parameter, private :: dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
    integer, parameter, private :: qp = selected_real_kind(33, 4931)

    ! Codage du Zero Count Leading sur 7 bits en double precision pour atteindre 64
    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_ZCL_DP = 7
    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_DP     = 64

    ! Codage du Zero Count Leading sur 6 bits en double precision pour atteindre 32
    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_ZCL_SP = 6
    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_SP     = 32

    ! Codage du ZCL sur 4 bits le nombre de zero est egale à 4*ZCL
    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_ZLC_4  = 4
    ! Codage du ZCL sur 4 bits le nombre de zero est egale à 8*ZCL
    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_ZLC_2  = 2

    integer   , parameter              :: NBITS_ZLC_SELECT = NBITS_ZLC_4

    type , public :: CompressFPD64
     integer                            ,private    :: BLOCK_SIZE_ALLOC = 100000000  !  taille du buffer
     integer                            ,private    :: nstream          = 0          !  taille du buffer
     integer(kind=8)  ,dimension(:),pointer,public  :: stream           => null()
     integer                            ,public     :: idxstream        = 0          ! index dans le tableau stream pour la prochaine insertion
     integer                            ,private    :: idxbitstream     = -1         ! index dans l'entier courant pour la prochaine insertion
     integer                            ,public     :: nflottantTreated = 0          ! Nombre de flottant deja traité

      ! allocation of new stream
      procedure, public  :: setcompress => set_CompressFPD64
      ! Prepare to uncompress a stream
      procedure, public  :: setuncompress => set_UncompressFPD64
      ! deallocation of stream
      procedure, public  :: release => release_CompressFPD64
      ! reinit all index keeping the current stream
      procedure, public  :: rewind
      ! Get ratio compression (number of integer coded/number of floatted point elt compressed)
      procedure, public  :: ratio
      ! Get information stream
      procedure, public  :: info => info_CompressFPD64
      ! resize the stream buffer
      procedure, public  :: resize_stream
      ! Add ZCL et DIFF information for simple and double precision in a binary stream
      procedure, private :: encode_stream64
      ! retrieve ZCL et DIFF information for simple and double precision from a binary stream
      procedure, private :: decode_stream64

      procedure ,public  :: init => init64
      procedure ,public  :: addstream => addstream64
      procedure ,public  :: getstream => getstream64

      ! Compress un ensemble de N (taille de l'historique) Valeurs double precision
      procedure ,public  :: compress64
      ! Uncompress un ensemble de N (taille de l'historique) Valeurs double precision
      procedure ,public  :: uncompress64
      ! Compress un ensemble de N (taille de l'historique) Valeurs simple precision
      procedure ,public  :: compress32
      ! Uncompress un ensemble de N (taille de l'historique) Valeurs simple precision
      procedure ,public  :: uncompress32

      ! convert the ZCL in the representation domaine 2 bits => 16 values (0,8,16,32)
      procedure ,public  :: getcode
      procedure ,public  :: getZCL

    end type CompressFPD64
!! Predictor
    type, abstract , public :: PredictorFPD

       procedure(subinit)    ,deferred  :: init
       procedure(subrelease) ,deferred  :: release
       procedure(subrelease) ,deferred  :: reset
       procedure(functpred32),deferred  :: predict32
       procedure(functpred64),deferred  :: predict64
       procedure(subupdate32),deferred  :: update32
       procedure(subupdate64),deferred  :: update64

    end type PredictorFPD

    abstract interface
       subroutine subinit(this,nhist)
        import PredictorFPD
        class(PredictorFPD)    , intent(inout) :: this
        integer                , intent(in)    :: nhist
       end subroutine subinit

       subroutine subrelease(this)
        import PredictorFPD
        class(PredictorFPD)    , intent(inout) :: this
       end subroutine subrelease

       function functpred32(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
        import PredictorFPD
        class(PredictorFPD)    ,intent(in)     :: this
        integer                ,intent(in)     :: hash
        integer(kind=8)                        :: val
        real(kind=4)           ,intent(in)     :: bidon
       end function functpred32

       function functpred64(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
        import PredictorFPD
        class(PredictorFPD)    ,intent(in)     :: this
        integer                ,intent(in)     :: hash
        integer(kind=8)                        :: val
        real(kind=8)           ,intent(in)     :: bidon
       end function functpred64

       subroutine subupdate32(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
        import PredictorFPD
        class(PredictorFPD)           , intent(inout)    :: this
        integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
        real(kind=4)                  , intent(in)       :: val_flot
        integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int
       end subroutine subupdate32

       subroutine subupdate64(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
        import PredictorFPD
        class(PredictorFPD)           , intent(inout)    :: this
        integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
        real(kind=8)                  , intent(in)       :: val_flot
        integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int
       end subroutine subupdate64

    end interface

    type , extends(PredictorFPD), public :: DataFilePredictorFPD
     ! nombre de colonne (correspondant au nombre de colonne du fichier data)
     integer                                    ,private    :: ncol
     !stockage des anciennes valeurs par colonne
     integer(kind=8) , dimension(:),allocatable ,private    :: lastrecord
       procedure ,public  :: init      => datafile_init
       procedure ,public  :: release   => datafile_release
       procedure ,public  :: reset     => datafile_reset
       procedure ,public  :: predict32 => datafile_predict32
       procedure ,public  :: predict64 => datafile_predict64
       procedure ,public  :: update32  => datafile_update32
       procedure ,public  :: update64  => datafile_update64
    end type DataFilePredictorFPD

    type , extends(PredictorFPD) , public :: StridePredictorFPD
     ! rang du predicteur
     integer                                    ,private    :: nhist
     !stockage des anciennes valeurs
     integer(kind=8) , dimension(:),allocatable ,private    :: lastrecord
     !stockage de la difference entre la valeur de lastrecord et la valeur precedente
     real(kind=dp)   , dimension(:),allocatable ,private    :: stride
       procedure ,public  :: init      => stride_init
       procedure ,public  :: release   => stride_release
       procedure ,public  :: reset     => stride_reset
       procedure ,public  :: predict32 => stride_predict32
       procedure ,public  :: predict64 => stride_predict64
       procedure ,public  :: update32  => stride_update32
       procedure ,public  :: update64  => stride_update64
    end type StridePredictorFPD

    type , extends(PredictorFPD) , public :: TwoStridePredictorFPD
     ! rang du predicteur
     integer                                    ,private    :: nhist
     !stockage des anciennes valeurs
     integer(kind=8) , dimension(:),allocatable ,private    :: lastrecord
     !stockage de la difference entre la valeur de lastrecord et la valeur precedente
     real(kind=dp)   , dimension(:),allocatable ,private    :: stride1
     real(kind=dp)   , dimension(:),allocatable ,private    :: stride2
       procedure ,public  :: init      => stride2_init
       procedure ,public  :: release   => stride2_release
       procedure ,public  :: reset     => stride2_reset
       procedure ,public  :: predict32 => stride2_predict32
       procedure ,public  :: predict64 => stride2_predict64
       procedure ,public  :: update32  => stride2_update32
       procedure ,public  :: update64  => stride2_update64
    end type TwoStridePredictorFPD

    type , extends(PredictorFPD) , public :: FCMPredictorFPD
     ! rang du predicteur
     integer                                    ,private    :: order  = 14    ! order of FCM
    ! integer                                    ,private    :: nhist
     integer                                    ,private    :: k      = 100   ! history size

     !stockage des anciennes valeurs
     integer(kind=8) , dimension(:,:),allocatable ,private    :: history      ! last record dim = order,nhist
     integer                                      ,private    :: counter_context  = 0
     integer(kind=8) , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable ,private  :: context      ! => keep history dim k,order,nhist
     integer(kind=8) , dimension(:,:)  ,allocatable ,private  :: valcontext   ! => get index    dim k,nhist
   !  real(kind=dp)   , dimension(:,:)  ,allocatable ,private  :: stride

       procedure ,public  :: init      => fcm_init
       procedure ,public  :: release   => fcm_release
       procedure ,public  :: reset     => fcm_reset
       procedure ,public  :: predict32 => fcm_predict32
       procedure ,public  :: predict64 => fcm_predict64
       procedure ,public  :: update32  => fcm_update32
       procedure ,public  :: update64  => fcm_update64
    end type FCMPredictorFPD

   !!!! =========================== TEST SUBROUTINE =============================

   public :: test_module_FPD


!! *********************************************************

     ! simple prediction : la prediction est la derniere valeur rencontrée de la colonne
     function fcm_predict64(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(FCMPredictorFPD)       , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=dp)                , intent(in)    :: bidon
       integer(kind=8) :: val
       real(kind=dp)   :: val_flot

       integer :: ihist,i,j
       logical :: equal

       ihist = 1 ! mod(hash,this%nhist+1)
       !seek in the context the corresponding history to get a value
       do i=1,this%k
        do j=1,this%order
         if ( this%history(j,ihist) /= this%context(i,j,ihist) ) then
          equal = .false.
         end if
        end do
        if (equal) then ! we find the corresponding history
          val = this%valcontext(i,ihist)
        end if
       end do

       !none context was found, return last context recorded...
       val = this%valcontext(this%counter_context,ihist)

     end function fcm_predict64

      ! simple prediction : la prediction est la derniere valeur rencontrée de la colonne
     function fcm_predict32(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(FCMPredictorFPD)       , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=sp)                , intent(in)    :: bidon

       integer(kind=8) :: val
       integer :: ihist,i,j
       logical :: equal
        ihist = 1 ! mod(hash,this%nhist+1)
       !seek in the context the corresponding history to get a value
       do i=1,this%k
        do j=1,this%order
         if ( this%history(j,ihist) /= this%context(i,j,ihist) ) then
          equal = .false.
         end if
        end do
        if (equal) then ! we find the corresponding history
          val = this%valcontext(i,ihist)
        end if
       end do

       !none context was found, return last context recorded...
       val = this%valcontext(this%counter_context,ihist)
     end function fcm_predict32

!! *********************************************************

     ! simple prediction : la prediction est la derniere valeur rencontrée de la colonne
     function datafile_predict64(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(DataFilePredictorFPD)  , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=dp)               , intent(in)     :: bidon

       integer(kind=8) :: val
       val = this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%ncol)+1)
     end function datafile_predict64

       ! simple prediction : la prediction est la derniere valeur rencontrée de la colonne
     function datafile_predict32(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(DataFilePredictorFPD)  , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=sp)               , intent(in)     :: bidon
       integer(kind=8) :: val
       val = this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%ncol)+1)
     end function datafile_predict32

!! *********************************************************
     ! prediction stride : la prediction est la derniere valeur rencontrée de la colonne
     ! + la difference entre cette valeur et la valeur precedente de la colonne
     function stride_predict64(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(StridePredictorFPD)    , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=dp)                , intent(in)    :: bidon
       integer(kind=8) :: val
       real(kind=dp)   :: val_flot

       val_flot = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_flot)
       val_flot = val_flot + this%stride(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1)
       val = transfer(val_flot,val)
     end function stride_predict64

     function stride_predict32(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(StridePredictorFPD)    , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=sp)                , intent(in)    :: bidon
       integer(kind=8) :: val
       real(kind=sp)   :: val_flot

       val_flot = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_flot)
       val_flot = val_flot + this%stride(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1)
       val = transfer(val_flot,val)
     end function stride_predict32

!! *********************************************************

     function stride2_predict64(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(TwoStridePredictorFPD) , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=dp)                , intent(in)    :: bidon
       integer(kind=8) :: val
       real(kind=dp)   :: val_flot

       val_flot = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_flot)
       val_flot = val_flot + this%stride1(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1)
       val = transfer(val_flot,val)
     end function stride2_predict64

     function stride2_predict32(this,hash,bidon) result(val)
       class(TwoStridePredictorFPD) , intent(in)    :: this
       integer                      , intent(in)    :: hash
       real(kind=sp)                , intent(in)    :: bidon
       integer(kind=8) :: val
       real(kind=sp)   :: val_flot

       val_flot = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_flot)
       val_flot = val_flot + this%stride1(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1)
       val = transfer(val_flot,val)
     end function stride2_predict32

!! *********************************************************

     subroutine datafile_update64(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(DataFilePredictorFPD)   , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=dp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int

      this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%ncol)+1) = val_int

     end subroutine datafile_update64

     subroutine datafile_update32(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(DataFilePredictorFPD)   , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=sp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int

      this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%ncol)+1) = val_int

     end subroutine datafile_update32

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride_update64(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(StridePredictorFPD)     , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=dp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int
      real(kind=dp) :: val_buf

      val_buf = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_buf)
      this%stride(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_flot - val_buf
      this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_int

     end subroutine stride_update64

     subroutine stride_update32(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(StridePredictorFPD)     , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=sp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int
      real(kind=sp) :: val_buf

      val_buf = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_buf)
      this%stride(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_flot - val_buf
      this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_int

     end subroutine stride_update32

!! **********************************************************
     subroutine stride2_update64(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(TwoStridePredictorFPD)  , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=dp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int
      real(kind=dp) :: val_buf

      val_buf = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_buf)
       val_buf = val_flot - val_buf
      ! if (value - old predicted value == s2 )=> stride in s1
      if ( val_buf == this%stride2(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1)) then
        this%stride1(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_buf
      end if
      this%stride2(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_buf
      this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_int

     end subroutine stride2_update64

     subroutine stride2_update32(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(TwoStridePredictorFPD)     , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=sp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int
      real(kind=sp) :: val_buf

      val_buf = transfer(this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1),val_buf)
       val_buf = val_flot - val_buf
      ! if (value - old predicted value == s2 )=> stride in s1
      if ( val_buf == this%stride2(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1)) then
        this%stride1(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_buf
      end if
      this%stride2(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_buf
      this%lastrecord(mod(hash,this%nhist)+1) = val_int

     end subroutine stride2_update32
!! *********************************************************

     subroutine fcm_update64(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(FCMPredictorFPD)        , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=dp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int

      integer :: ihist,i,j
      logical :: equal
      real(kind=dp) :: val_buf

      ihist = 1 ! mod(hash,this%nhist+1)

      !seek in the context the corresponding history to set the value
      do i=1,this%k
        do j=1,this%order
         if ( this%history(j,ihist) /= this%context(i,j,ihist)) then
          equal = .false.
         end if
        end do
        if (equal) then ! we find the corresponding history
         !try to popup the value if val_int == this%valcontext(i,ihist)
         this%valcontext(i,ihist) = val_int
        end if
      end do

      !none context was found. we add a new context
      if ( .not. equal ) then
       this%counter_context = mod(this%counter_context,this%k)+1
       do j=1,this%order
        this%context(this%counter_context,j,ihist) = this%history(j,ihist)
       end do
       this%valcontext(this%counter_context,ihist) = val_int

      end if

      !update the history
      this%history(this%order,ihist) = val_int

     end subroutine fcm_update64

     subroutine fcm_update32(this,hash,val_flot,val_int)
      class(FCMPredictorFPD)        , intent(inout)    :: this
      integer                       , intent(in)       :: hash
      real(kind=sp)                 , intent(in)       :: val_flot
      integer(kind=8)               , intent(in)       :: val_int

      integer :: ihist,i,j
      logical :: equal
      real(kind=sp) :: val_buf

      ihist = 1 ! mod(hash,this%nhist+1)

      !seek in the context the corresponding history to set the value
      do i=1,this%k
        do j=1,this%order
         if ( this%history(j,ihist) /= this%context(i,j,ihist)) then
          equal = .false.
         end if
        end do
        if (equal) then ! we find the corresponding history
         !try to popup the value if val_int == this%valcontext(i,ihist)
         this%valcontext(i,ihist) = val_int
        end if
      end do

      !none context was found. we add a new context
      if ( .not. equal ) then
       this%counter_context = mod(this%counter_context,this%k)+1
       do j=1,this%order
        this%context(this%counter_context,j,ihist) = this%history(j,ihist)
       end do
       this%valcontext(this%counter_context,ihist) = val_int

      end if

      !update the history
      this%history(this%order,ihist) = val_int

     end subroutine fcm_update32

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine datafile_init(this,nhist)
      class(DataFilePredictorFPD)  , intent(inout) :: this
      integer                      , intent(in)    :: nhist

      integer :: io
      character(len=256) :: error_mess

      if ( nhist <= 0 ) then
        write (0,*) "DataFilePredictorFPD : compress cannot ",&
         "allocate array with a number of column <= 0 ",nhist
      end if

      allocate (this%lastrecord(nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "DataFilePredictorFPD compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
      this%ncol = nhist

     end subroutine datafile_init

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride_init(this,nhist)
      class(StridePredictorFPD)    , intent(inout) :: this
      integer                      , intent(in)    :: nhist

      integer :: io
      character(len=256) :: error_mess

      if (nhist <= 0) then
       write (0,*) "StridePredictorFPD  compress_fpd:Can not set nhist to 0"
      end if

      allocate (this%lastrecord(nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "StridePredictorFPD compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
      allocate (this%stride(nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "StridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if

     end subroutine stride_init
!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride2_init(this,nhist)
      class(TwoStridePredictorFPD)    , intent(inout) :: this
      integer                      , intent(in)    :: nhist

      integer :: io
      character(len=256) :: error_mess

      if (nhist <= 0) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD  compress_fpd:Can not set nhist to 0"
      end if

      allocate (this%lastrecord(nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
      allocate (this%stride1(nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
      allocate (this%stride2(nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
     end subroutine stride2_init

!! *********************************************************

     subroutine fcm_init(this,nhist)
      class(FCMPredictorFPD)    , intent(inout) :: this
      integer                   , intent(in)    :: nhist

      integer :: io
      character(len=256) :: error_mess

      if (nhist <= 0) then
       write (0,*) "FCMPredictorFPD  compress_fpd:Can not set nhist to 0"
      end if

      !this%nhist = nhist

      allocate (this%history(this%order,1),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
      allocate (this%context(this%k,this%order,1),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
      allocate (this%valcontext(this%k,1),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if
    !  allocate (this%stride(this%k,this%nhist),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "TwoStridePredictorFPD : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if

      this%history = 0
    !  this%stride=0

     end subroutine fcm_init
!! *********************************************************
     subroutine fcm_release(this)
      class(FCMPredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      if ( allocated(this%history) ) then
       deallocate (this%history)
       deallocate (this%context)
       deallocate (this%valcontext)
     !  deallocate (this%stride)
      end if

     end subroutine fcm_release

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine fcm_reset(this)
      class(FCMPredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      this%history = 0
   !   this%stride=0

     end subroutine fcm_reset

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine datafile_release(this)
      class(DataFilePredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      if ( allocated(this%lastrecord) ) then
       deallocate (this%lastrecord)
      end if

     end subroutine datafile_release
!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride_release(this)
      class(StridePredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      if ( allocated(this%lastrecord) ) then
       deallocate (this%lastrecord)
      end if

      if ( allocated(this%stride) ) then
       deallocate (this%stride)
      end if

     end subroutine stride_release

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride2_release(this)
      class(TwoStridePredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      if ( allocated(this%lastrecord) ) then
       deallocate (this%lastrecord)
      end if

      if ( allocated(this%stride1) ) then
       deallocate (this%stride1)
      end if

      if ( allocated(this%stride2) ) then
       deallocate (this%stride2)
      end if

     end subroutine stride2_release

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine datafile_reset(this)
      class(DataFilePredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      this%lastrecord = 0

     end subroutine datafile_reset
!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride_reset(this)
      class(StridePredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      this%lastrecord = 0
      this%stride = 0

     end subroutine stride_reset
!! *********************************************************
     subroutine stride2_reset(this)
      class(TwoStridePredictorFPD) ,  intent(inout) :: this

      this%lastrecord = 0
      this%stride1 = 0
      this%stride2 = 0

     end subroutine stride2_reset
!! *********************************************************

     function ratio(struct) result(val)
       class(CompressFPD64)  , intent(in)    :: struct
       real :: val

       if ( struct%idxstream > 0 ) then
        val = real(struct%nflottantTreated)/real(struct%idxstream)
        val = 1.
       end if

     end function ratio

!! *********************************************************

     subroutine info_CompressFPD64(this,unit)
      class(CompressFPD64)  , intent(in)    :: this
      integer              , intent(in)   :: unit

      write (unit,*) '===================== INFO STREAM =================== '
      write (unit,*) ' memory usage     =',this%nstream
      write (unit,*) ' current index    =',this%idxstream
      write (unit,*) ' binary index     =',this%idxbitstream
      write (unit,*) ' FPD coded        =',this%nflottantTreated
      write (unit,*) ' stream allocated =',associated(this%stream)
      write (unit,*) ' size stream      =',size(this%stream)

     end subroutine info_CompressFPD64

!! *********************************************************

     subroutine resize_stream(this)
      class(CompressFPD64)  , intent(inout)    :: this

      integer(kind=8)  ,dimension(:),allocatable   :: stream_buf
      integer :: io
      character(len=256) :: error_mess

      allocate (stream_buf(this%nstream),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "CompressFPD64 : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess, 'alloc_size:',this%nstream
      end if
      stream_buf(:this%nstream) = this%stream(:this%nstream)
      deallocate (this%stream)
      allocate (this%stream(this%nstream+this%BLOCK_SIZE_ALLOC),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "CompressFPD64 : compress_fpd:allocation error :",error_mess, 'alloc_size:',&
      end if
   !   print *,this%nstream,size(stream_buf),size(this%stream)
      this%stream(:this%nstream) = stream_buf
      this%nstream = this%nstream+this%BLOCK_SIZE_ALLOC
      deallocate (stream_buf)
      write (*,*) "resize stream =",(real(this%nstream)*4.)/1024.," Ko"
     end subroutine resize_stream
!! *********************************************************
     ! Add ZCL et DIFF information in a binary stream
     subroutine encode_stream64(this,NBITS_ZCL,NBITS,nb,ZCL,DIFF)
      class(CompressFPD64)            , intent(inout) :: this
      integer                         , intent(in)    :: NBITS_ZCL
      integer                         , intent(in)    :: NBITS
      integer                         , intent(in)    :: nb
      integer(kind=8) , dimension(nb) , intent(in)    :: ZCL
      integer(kind=8) , dimension(nb) , intent(in)    :: DIFF

      integer              :: icol,sizerec
      integer(kind=8)      :: code

#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
      print *,"  ===================================================================="
      print *,"  ===*** encode_stream64 ***==="
      print *,"  ===*** ZCL =",ZCL
      print *,"  ===*** DIFF =",DIFF
      print *,"  ===================================================================="

      !on stoque les valeurs de droite à gauche dans chaque entier (et non de gauche à droite),
      ! ca evite des calculs supplementaires
      do icol=1,nb
#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
       print *,"*********** VAL ",icol," ************************"
       ! NBITS_ZCL_SP bits pour code ZCL
       code = this%getCode(ZCL(icol),NBITS,NBITS_ZCL)
       call this%addstream(NBITS_ZCL,code)
       ! 32 - ZLC bits pour coder DIFF
       sizerec=NBITS-this%getZCL(code,NBITS,NBITS_ZCL) ! different from first zcl
       call this%addstream(sizerec,DIFF(icol))
      end do

#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
      print *,"FPD coded=",this%nflottantTreated," nb integer coded=",this%idxstream
     end subroutine encode_stream64

!! *********************************************************
     ! Add ZCL et DIFF information in a binary stream
     subroutine decode_stream64(this,NBITS_ZCL,NBITS,nb,ZCL,DIFF)
      class(CompressFPD64)             , intent(inout) :: this
      integer                          , intent(in)    :: NBITS_ZCL
      integer                          , intent(in)    :: NBITS
      integer                          , intent(in)    :: nb
      integer(kind=8) , dimension(nb)  , intent(inout) :: ZCL
      integer(kind=8) , dimension(nb)  , intent(inout) :: DIFF

      integer              :: val_buf,icol,sizerec,sizepart,startfrom

#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
      print *,"  ===*** decode_stream ***==="
      do icol=1,nb
#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
       print *,"*********** VAL ",icol," ************************"
       call this%getstream(NBITS_ZCL,ZCL(icol))
       call this%getstream(sizerec,DIFF(icol))
     end do
#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
      print *,"ZCL =",ZCL
      print *,"DIFF =",DIFF
     end subroutine decode_stream64

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine addstream64(this,sizeval,val)
      class(CompressFPD64)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
      integer                          ,intent(in)     :: sizeval
      integer(kind=8)                  ,intent(in)     :: val

      integer(kind=8)      :: val_buf
      integer              :: sizepart,v
      integer ,parameter   :: NBITS_INTEGER=bit_size(this%stream)

#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
      print *,"ADD=",val, " SIZE=",sizeval
      if ( sizeval > NBITS_INTEGER ) then
           write (0,*) "encode_stream:sizerec [",sizeval,"] > INTEGER_PRECISION =",NBITS_INTEGER
       end if
      if ( sizeval <= 0 ) return

      val_buf = this%stream(this%idxstream)
      ! Le codage rentre dans l'entier courant du stream
      if (  (this%idxbitstream + sizeval) <= NBITS_INTEGER  ) then
        call mvbits(val,0,sizeval,val_buf,this%idxbitstream)
        this%idxbitstream = this%idxbitstream + sizeval
        this%stream(this%idxstream) = val_buf
        if ( this%idxbitstream >= NBITS_INTEGER ) then
            this%idxbitstream = 0
            this%idxstream = this%idxstream + 1
            if ( this%idxstream > this%nstream ) then
             call this%resize_stream()
            end if
         end if
       else ! Il faut coder l'entrée de cette valeur à cheval entre deux entiers consecutifs de stream
         sizepart = ( NBITS_INTEGER - this%idxbitstream )
         call mvbits(val,0,sizepart,val_buf,this%idxbitstream)
         this%stream(this%idxstream) = val_buf
         !load new integer
         this%idxstream = this%idxstream + 1
         if ( this%idxstream > this%nstream ) then
           call this%resize_stream()
         end if
         val_buf = this%stream(this%idxstream)
         ! move remaining data
         this%idxbitstream = sizeval-sizepart
         call mvbits(val,sizepart,this%idxbitstream,val_buf,0)
         this%stream(this%idxstream) = val_buf
       end if
#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
       print *,'insert VAL=',val_buf, " new index=",this%idxbitstream, &
        " nflottantcoded=",this%nflottantTreated, " ninteger used=",this%idxstream
     end subroutine addstream64

!! *********************************************************

      subroutine getstream64(this,sizeval,val)
      class(CompressFPD64)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
      integer                          ,intent(in)     :: sizeval
      integer(kind=8)                  ,intent(inout)  :: val

      integer(kind=8)      :: val_buf
      integer              :: sizepart,startfrom
      integer ,parameter   :: NBITS_INTEGER=bit_size(this%stream)

#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
      print *,"EXTRACT SIZE",sizeval
      if ( sizeval > NBITS_INTEGER ) then
           write (0,*) "getstream64 size: [",sizeval,"] > INTEGER_PRECISION =",NBITS_INTEGER
       end if
      val = 0
      if ( sizeval <= 0 ) return

      if ( this%idxstream > this%nstream ) then
         call this%info(0)
         write (0,*) " *** Error fpd_compress:getstream: reach end of stream ! *** "
      end if

      val_buf = this%stream(this%idxstream)
      if ( (this%idxbitstream + sizeval) <= NBITS_INTEGER  ) then
        call mvbits(val_buf,this%idxbitstream,sizeval,val,0)
        this%idxbitstream = this%idxbitstream + sizeval
        if ( this%idxbitstream >= NBITS_INTEGER ) then
            this%idxbitstream = 0
            this%idxstream = this%idxstream + 1
         end if
         sizepart = ( NBITS_INTEGER - this%idxbitstream )
         call mvbits(val_buf,this%idxbitstream,sizepart,val,0)
         !load new integer
         this%idxstream = this%idxstream + 1
         if ( this%idxstream > this%nstream ) then
           call this%info(0)
           write (0,*) " *** Error fpd_compress:getstream: reach end of stream ! *** "
         end if
         val_buf = this%stream(this%idxstream)
         ! move remaining data
         this%idxbitstream = sizeval-sizepart
         call mvbits(val_buf,0,this%idxbitstream,val,sizepart)
        end if
#ifdef DEBUG_MOD
       print *,'extract VAL=',val, " new index=",this%idxbitstream, &
        " nflottantcoded=",this%nflottantTreated, " ninteger used=",this%idxstream

      end subroutine getstream64

!! *********************************************************

     subroutine init64(this,nstream)
      class(CompressFPD64)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
      integer                          ,intent(in)     :: nstream
      integer :: io
      character(len=256) :: error_mess

      if ( .not. associated(this%stream) ) then
       allocate (this%stream(nstream),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
       if ( size(this%stream)< nstream ) then
         deallocate (this%stream)
         allocate (this%stream(nstream),stat=io,errmsg=error_mess)
       end if
      end if

      if ( io /= 0 ) then
       write (0,*) "compress_fpd:init64:allocation error :",error_mess
      end if

     end subroutine init64
!! *********************************************************
     ! nbvalues correspond aux nombres de flottants à compresser
     subroutine set_CompressFPD64(this,predictsize)
      class(CompressFPD64)             , intent(inout) :: this
      integer        ,optional         , intent(in)    :: predictsize

      if ( present(predictsize) ) then
       this%nstream = predictsize
       this%nstream = this%BLOCK_SIZE_ALLOC
      end if
      this%idxstream    = 1
      this%idxbitstream = 0
      call this%init(this%nstream)

     end subroutine set_CompressFPD64

      subroutine set_UncompressFPD64(this,predictsize)
      class(CompressFPD64)             , intent(inout) :: this
      integer        ,optional         , intent(in)    :: predictsize

      if ( present(predictsize) ) then
       this%nstream = predictsize
       this%nstream = this%BLOCK_SIZE_ALLOC
      end if
      this%idxstream    = 1
      this%idxbitstream = 0
      call this%init(this%nstream)

     end subroutine set_UncompressFPD64

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine release_CompressFPD64(this)
      class(CompressFPD64)             , intent(inout) :: this

      this%nstream = 0
      this%idxstream    = 0
      this%idxbitstream = 0
      deallocate (this%stream)

     end subroutine release_CompressFPD64
!! *********************************************************
     subroutine rewind(this,predictor)
      class(CompressFPD64)         , intent(inout) :: this
      class(PredictorFPD)          , intent(inout) :: predictor

      this%idxstream    = 1
      this%idxbitstream = 0
      call predictor%reset()

     end subroutine rewind

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine getStream(struct)
      class(CompressFPD64)               , intent(inout) :: struct

     end subroutine getStream

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine setStream(struct)
      class(CompressFPD64)               , intent(inout) :: struct

     end subroutine setStream

!! **********************************************************

  function getcode(compr,zcl,NBITS_FLOAT,NBITS_ZCL) result(code)
       class(CompressFPD64)                 ,intent(in)  :: compr
       integer(kind=8)                      ,intent(in)  :: zcl
       integer                              ,intent(in)  :: NBITS_FLOAT ! 32 ou 64
       integer                              ,intent(in)  :: NBITS_ZCL
       integer(kind=8) :: code
       integer         :: step,i,cval

       code = 2**NBITS_ZCL - 1

       if ( code >= NBITS_FLOAT ) then
        code = zcl
       end if

       ! one code for zcl = 32 or 64
       if ( NBITS_FLOAT == zcl ) return

       !step for code
       step = NBITS_FLOAT / code
       cval = NBITS_FLOAT - 1
       do code=code-1,1,-1
        cval=cval - step
        if ( zcl >= cval) return
       end do


     end function getcode

     function getZCL(compr,code,NBITS_FLOAT,NBITS_ZCL) result(zcl)
       class(CompressFPD64)                 ,intent(in)  :: compr
       integer(kind=8)                      ,intent(in)  :: code
       integer                              ,intent(in)  :: NBITS_FLOAT ! 32 ou 64
       integer                              ,intent(in)  :: NBITS_ZCL
       integer(kind=8)  :: zcl
       integer          :: step,transcode,i,cval

       transcode = 2**NBITS_ZCL - 1

       if ( transcode >= NBITS_FLOAT ) then
        zcl = code
       end if

       zcl = NBITS_FLOAT
       if ( transcode == code ) return
       !step for code
       step = NBITS_FLOAT / (transcode)
       zcl = zcl - 1
       do transcode = transcode-1,1,-1
        zcl = zcl - step
        if ( transcode == code ) return
       end do
       zcl = 0

     end function getZCL

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine compress64(compr,predictor,nb,values)
      class(CompressFPD64)                 ,intent(inout)  :: compr
      class(PredictorFPD)                  ,intent(inout)  :: predictor
      integer                              ,intent(in)     :: nb
      real(kind=dp)        , dimension(nb) , intent(in)    :: values

      integer(kind=8)      , dimension(nb)   :: ZCL
      integer(kind=8)      , dimension(nb)   :: DIFF

      integer(kind=8) :: compareval,predictvalue
      integer         :: icol,i,ZCL_b
      integer , parameter :: bitsize= bit_size(DIFF)

      if ( compr%idxstream == 0 ) then
        write (0,*) "==============================================="
        write (0,*) " ** stream is not init ! Call set subroutine **"
        write (0,*) "==============================================="
      end if
      ! for each column, we encode the value : ZCL and DIFF
      do icol = 1,nb
       compareval = transfer(values(icol),compareval)
       predictvalue = predictor%predict64(icol,values(1))
       DIFF(icol) = IEOR(predictvalue,compareval)
       do i=bitsize-1,0,-1
         if ( btest(DIFF(icol),i) ) exit
       end do
       call predictor%update64(icol,values(icol),compareval)
      end do

      call compr%encode_stream64(NBITS_ZLC_SELECT,NBITS_DP,nb,ZCL,DIFF)

     end subroutine compress64

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine compress32(compr,predictor,nb,values)
      class(CompressFPD64)                 ,intent(inout)  :: compr
      class(PredictorFPD)                  ,intent(inout)  :: predictor
      integer                              ,intent(in)     :: nb
      real(kind=sp)        , dimension(nb) , intent(in)    :: values

      integer(kind=8) :: compareval,predictvalue
      integer(kind=4) :: comp32
      integer         :: icol,i,ZCL_b
      integer(kind=8)      , dimension(nb)   :: ZCL
      integer(kind=8)      , dimension(nb)   :: DIFF
      integer , parameter :: bitsize= bit_size(DIFF)

    !  real(kind=dp)        , dimension(nb)     :: values_DP

!      values_dp = values
!      call compress64(compr,predictor,nb,values_dp)
!      values_DP = values
      if ( compr%idxstream == 0 ) then
        write (0,*) "==============================================="
        write (0,*) " ** stream is not init ! Call set subroutine **"
        write (0,*) "==============================================="
      end if
      ! for each column, we encode the value : ZCL and DIFF
      do icol = 1,nb
       !! correction bug ofi => in 32 transfert(0_32,0) /= 0 with gcc 4.8.* ....
       !!compareval = transfer(values(icol),compareval)
       comp32 = transfer(values(icol),comp32)
       compareval = comp32
       !print *,"add val=",values(icol)," => ",compareval
       predictvalue = predictor%predict32(icol,values(1))
       DIFF(icol) = IEOR(predictvalue,compareval)
       do i=bitsize-1,0,-1
         if ( btest(DIFF(icol),i) ) exit
       end do
       if ( ZCL_b < NBITS_SP ) then
        print *,"STOP ERROR ZCL_b=",ZCL_b," *Simple precision Context*",NBITS_SP
       end if

       ZCL(icol)=ZCL_b - NBITS_SP
     !  print *,"===>",ZCL(icol),compr%getcode(ZCL(icol),NBITS_SP,3),compr%getZCL(compr%getcode(ZCL(icol),NBITS_SP,3),NBITS_SP,3)
       call predictor%update32(icol,values(icol),compareval)
      end do

      call compr%encode_stream64(NBITS_ZLC_SELECT,NBITS_SP,nb,ZCL,DIFF)

     end subroutine compress32

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine uncompress64(compr,predictor,nb,values)
      class(CompressFPD64)            , intent(inout) :: compr
      class(PredictorFPD)             , intent(inout) :: predictor
      real(kind=dp)   , dimension(nb) , intent(inout) :: values
      integer                         ,intent(in)     :: nb
      integer(kind=8)         , dimension(nb)   :: ZCL
      integer(kind=8)         , dimension(nb)   :: DIFF

      integer(kind=8) :: compareval,predictvalue
      integer :: icol,i,ZCL_b

      if ( compr%idxstream == 0 ) then
        write (0,*) "stream is not init !"
      end if

      call compr%decode_stream64(NBITS_ZLC_SELECT,NBITS_DP,nb,ZCL,DIFF)
      ! for each column, we decode the value : ZCL and DIFF
      do icol = 1, nb
       predictvalue = predictor%predict64(icol,values(1))
       compareval = IEOR(predictvalue,DIFF(icol))
       values(icol) = transfer(compareval,values(icol))
       call predictor%update64(icol,values(icol),compareval)
      end do

     end subroutine uncompress64

!! *********************************************************
     subroutine uncompress32(compr,predictor,nb,values)
      class(CompressFPD64)            , intent(inout) :: compr
      class(PredictorFPD)             ,intent(inout)  :: predictor
      real(kind=sp)   , dimension(nb) , intent(inout) :: values
      integer                         ,intent(in)     :: nb

      integer(kind=8)         , dimension(nb)   :: ZCL
      integer(kind=8)         , dimension(nb)   :: DIFF

      integer(kind=8) :: compareval,predictvalue
      integer :: icol,i,ZCL_b

      if ( compr%idxstream == 0 ) then
        write (0,*) "stream is not init !"
      end if

      call compr%decode_stream64(NBITS_ZLC_SELECT,NBITS_SP,nb,ZCL,DIFF)
      ! for each column, we decode the value : ZCL and DIFF
      do icol = 1, nb
     !  print *,"<===",ZCL(icol),DIFF(icol)
       predictvalue = predictor%predict32(icol,values(1))
       compareval = IEOR(predictvalue,DIFF(icol))
       values(icol) = transfer(compareval,values(icol))
       call predictor%update32(icol,values(icol),compareval)
      end do

     end subroutine uncompress32

!!! ********************* ========== TEST SUBROUTINE ============= *************************************

     subroutine test_module_FPD
      type(StridePredictorFPD)    :: pred1
      type(DataFilePredictorFPD)  :: pred2
      type(TwoStridePredictorFPD) :: pred3
      type(FCMPredictorFPD)       :: pred_fcm

      integer , dimension(100)    :: suite

!      call test_file(pred_fcm)
!      stop

      print *," ******************************** "
      print *," *** Test ajout ZERO *** "
      print *," ******************************** "
      call testzero
      print *," ******************************** "
      print *," *** Add 1 elt in Stream < 64 *** "
      print *," ******************************** "
      call test_add_get(10)
      print *," *********************************** "
      print *," *** Add 1000 elt in Stream      *** "
      print *," *********************************** "
      call test_add_get_loop(10,1000)
      !print *," *********************************** "
      !print *," *** compres32/uncompres32       *** "
      !print *," *********************************** "
      !call test_random_simple32
      print *," *********************************** "
      print *," *** compres64/uncompres64       *** "
      print *," *********************************** "
      call test_random_simple64

      print *," *********************************************************** "
      print *," *** Test Encodage SUITE SIMPLE - Bench Double precision *** "
      print *," *********************************************************** "
      print *," *** ============== StridePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      call test_suite_simple(pred1,1,1000)
      print *," *** ============== DataFilePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      call test_suite_simple(pred2,1,1000)
      print *," *** ============== TwoStridePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      call test_suite_simple(pred3,1,1000)
      print *," *** ============== FCMPredictorFPD ============= *** "
      call test_suite_simple(pred_fcm,1,1000)

      !print *," ****************************** "
      !print *," *** Bench Simple precision *** "
      !print *," ****************************** "

      !print *,"========================================================="
      !print *," ======== SUITE  1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 ======= "
      !print *," *** ============== DataFilePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred2,1,16,suite);print *;print *
      !print *," *** ============== StridePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred1,1,16,suite);print *;print *
      !print *," *** ============== TwoStridePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred3,1,16,suite);print *;print *
      !print *," *** ============== FCMPredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred_fcm,1,16,suite);print *;print *

      !print *,"========================================================="
      !print *," ======== SUITE  3,4,1,9,3,4,1,9,3,4,1,9,3,4,1,9 ======= "
      !print *," *** ============== DataFilePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred2,1,16,suite);print *;print *
      !print *," *** ============== StridePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred1,1,16,suite);print *;print *
      !print *," *** ============== TwoStridePredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred3,1,16,suite);print *;print *
      !print *," *** ============== FCMPredictorFPD ============= *** "
      !call test_suite32(pred_fcm,1,16,suite);print *;print *

      !print *," ======== RANDOM ======= "
      !print *," *** ============== DataFilePredictorFPD/32 ============= *** "
      !call test_random32(pred2,1,100000)
      !print *," *** ============== StridePredictorFPD/32 ============= *** "
      !call test_random32(pred1,1,100000)
      !print *," *** ============== TwoStridePredictorFPD/32 ============= *** "
      !call test_random32(pred3,1,100000)
      !print *," *** ============== FCMPredictorFPD/32 ============= *** "
      !call test_random32(pred_fcm,1,100000)
      print *," ****************************** "
      print *," *** Bench Double precision *** "
      print *," ****************************** "
      print *," *** ============== StridePredictorFPD/64 ============= *** "
      call test_random64(pred1,1,100000)
      print *," *** ============== DataFilePredictorFPD/64 ============= *** "
      call test_random64(pred2,1,100000)
      print *," *** ============== TwoStridePredictorFPD/64 ============= *** "
      call test_random64(pred3,1,100000)
      print *," *** ============== FCMPredictorFPD/64 ============= *** "
      call test_random64(pred_fcm,1,100000)

     end subroutine test_module_FPD

     subroutine testzero
       type(CompressFPD64)        :: compr
       integer(kind=8) :: val_curr
       real(kind=sp), dimension(5) :: r,values = (/ 0.,1.,16.,400.7208,0./)
       type(DataFilePredictorFPD) :: pred_data

       call pred_data%init(5)
       call compr%setcompress(5)
       call compr%compress32(pred_data,5,values)
       call compr%rewind(pred_data)
       call compr%uncompress32(pred_data,5,r)

       if ( count(r == values) /= 5 ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : expected ",values," val=",r
       end if
       call compr%release()
       call pred_data%release()

       call compr%setcompress(100)
       call compr%addstream(23,111_8)
       call compr%addstream(23,111_8)
       call compr%addstream(23,111_8)
       call compr%addstream(23,111_8)
       call compr%addstream(23,111_8)
       call compr%addstream(23,111_8)
       call compr%addstream(6,32_8)
       call compr%addstream(0,0_8)
       call compr%getstream(23,val_curr)
       call compr%getstream(23,val_curr)
       call compr%getstream(23,val_curr)
       call compr%getstream(23,val_curr)
       call compr%getstream(23,val_curr)
       call compr%getstream(23,val_curr)
       call compr%getstream(6,val_curr)
       if ( val_curr /= 32 ) then
         write (0,*) "Error Test ==> 32 expected value val=",val_curr
      end if
       call compr%getstream(0,val_curr)
       if ( val_curr /= 0 ) then
         write (0,*) "Error Test ==> 0 expected value val=",val_curr
      end if
      write (*,*) "[OK] add 0, size=9"
     end subroutine testzero

     subroutine test_add_get(ncol)
      integer                        , intent(in) :: ncol
      type(CompressFPD64)        :: compr
      integer :: i
      integer(kind=8) :: val_curr

      !! =========================================
      call compr%setcompress(1)
      call compr%addstream(9,2_8)
      call compr%getstream(9,val_curr)
      if ( val_curr /= 2 ) then
         write (0,*) "Error Test ==> 2 expected value val=",val_curr
      end if
      write (*,*) "[OK] add 2, size=9"

      !! =========================================
      call compr%setcompress(1)
      call compr%addstream(64,2_8)
      call compr%getstream(64,val_curr)
      if ( val_curr /= 2 ) then
         write (0,*) "Error Test ==> 2 expected value val=",val_curr
      end if

     end subroutine test_add_get

     subroutine test_add_get_loop(ncol,nloop)
      integer                        , intent(in) :: ncol
      integer                        , intent(in) :: nloop
      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i
      integer(kind=8) :: val_curr

      call compr%setcompress(nloop)

      do i=1,nloop
       call compr%addstream(9,2_8)
      end do


      do i=1,nloop
       call compr%getstream(9,val_curr)
       if ( val_curr /= 2 ) then
         write (0,*) "Error Test ==> 2 expected value val=",val_curr
       end if
      end do
     end subroutine test_add_get_loop

     subroutine test_random_simple32
      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i
      real :: valtab(1),r(1)
      type(DataFilePredictorFPD) :: pred_data

      call pred_data%init(1)

      call random_number(valtab)
      call compr%setcompress(1)
      call compress32(compr,pred_data,1,valtab)
      call compr%rewind(pred_data)
      call uncompress32(compr,pred_data,1,r)

      if ( r(1) /= valtab(1) ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : expected ",valtab(1)," val=",r(1)
      end if
      call compr%release()
      call pred_data%release()
     end subroutine test_random_simple32

     subroutine test_random_simple64
      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i
      real(kind=dp) :: valtab(1),r(1)
      type(DataFilePredictorFPD) :: pred_data

      call pred_data%init(1)

      call random_number(valtab)
      call compr%setcompress(1)
      call compress64(compr,pred_data,1,valtab)
      call compr%rewind(pred_data)
      call uncompress64(compr,pred_data,1,r)

      if ( r(1) /= valtab(1) ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : expected ",valtab(1)," val=",r(1)
      end if
      call compr%release()
      call pred_data%release()
     end subroutine test_random_simple64

     subroutine test_random32(pred,nhist,nloop)
      class(PredictorFPD)  , intent(inout) :: pred
      integer              , intent(in)    :: nhist
      integer            , intent(in) :: nloop
      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i,ii
      real    :: r(1)
      real , dimension(:), allocatable :: valtab
      real :: start, finish

      call cpu_time(start)

      call pred%init(nhist)

      allocate (valtab(nloop))
      call random_number(valtab)
      call compr%setcompress(nloop)
      do i=1,nloop
       call compress32(compr,pred,1,valtab(i))
      end do
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Compress= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start
      print *," ====> RATIO =",compr%ratio()
      call compr%rewind(pred)

      do i=1,nloop
       call uncompress32(compr,pred,1,r)
        if ( r(1) /= valtab(i) ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : expected ",valtab(i)," val=",r(1), " iloop=",i
        end if
      end do
      deallocate (valtab)
      write (*,*) "[Ok]"
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Decompr= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start,nloop
      call compr%release()
      call pred%release()
     end subroutine test_random32

  subroutine test_suite32(pred,nhist,sizes,suite)
      class(PredictorFPD)     , intent(inout) :: pred
      integer                 , intent(in)    :: nhist
      integer                 , intent(in)    :: sizes
      integer ,dimension(:)   , intent(in)    :: suite

      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i,ii
      real(kind=dp) , dimension(nhist) :: valtab
      real :: start, finish

      call cpu_time(start)
      call pred%release()
      call pred%init(nhist)

      call compr%setcompress(sizes)
      do i=1,sizes,nhist
       do ii=1,nhist
       end do
       call compress64(compr,pred,nhist,valtab)
      end do
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Compress= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start
      print *,"======================================================"
      print *," ============== RATIO =",compr%ratio(),"  ============"
      print *,"======================================================"
      print *,"-------------------------"
      call compr%info(6)
      print *,"-------------------------"
      call compr%rewind(pred)

      do i=1,sizes,nhist
       call uncompress64(compr,pred,nhist,valtab)
       do ii=1,nhist
       if ( suite(i+ii-1) /= valtab(ii) ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : val=",valtab(i)," expected ",suite(i+ii-1), " iloop=",i
        end if
       end do
      end do
      write (*,*) "[Ok]"
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Decompr= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start,sizes
      call compr%release()
      call pred%release()
     end subroutine test_suite32

     subroutine test_suite_simple(pred,nhist,nloop)
      class(PredictorFPD)  , intent(inout) :: pred
      integer              , intent(in)    :: nhist
      integer            , intent(in) :: nloop
      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i,ii
      real(kind=dp) , dimension(:), allocatable :: valtab
      real :: start, finish

      call cpu_time(start)

      call pred%init(nhist)

      allocate (valtab(nhist))
      call compr%setcompress(nloop)
      do i=1,nloop,nhist
       do ii=1,nhist
       end do
       call compress64(compr,pred,nhist,valtab)
      end do
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Compress= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start
      print *," ========================== "
      print *," ====RATIO =",compr%ratio()
      print *," ========================== "
!      print *,"-------------------------"
!      call compr%info(6)
!      print *,"-------------------------"
      call compr%rewind(pred)

      do i=1,nloop,nhist
       call uncompress64(compr,pred,nhist,valtab)
       do ii=1,nhist
       if ( (i + ii -1) /= valtab(ii) ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : val=",valtab(i)," expected ",(i + ii -1), " iloop=",i
        end if
       end do
      end do
      deallocate (valtab)
      write (*,*) "[Ok]"
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Decompr= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start,nloop
      call compr%release()
      call pred%release()
     end subroutine test_suite_simple

      subroutine test_random64(pred,nhist,nloop)
      class(PredictorFPD)  , intent(inout) :: pred
      integer              , intent(in)    :: nhist
      integer            , intent(in) :: nloop
      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i,ii
      real(kind=dp)    :: r(1)
      real(kind=dp) , dimension(:), allocatable :: valtab
      real :: start, finish

      call cpu_time(start)

      call pred%init(nhist)

      allocate (valtab(nloop))
      call random_number(valtab)
      call compr%setcompress(nloop)
      do i=1,nloop
       call compress64(compr,pred,1,valtab(i))
      end do
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Compress= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start
      print *," ====> RATIO =",compr%ratio()
      call compr%rewind(pred)

      do i=1,nloop
       call uncompress64(compr,pred,1,r)
        if ( r(1) /= valtab(i) ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : expected ",valtab(i)," val=",r(1), " iloop=",i
        end if
      end do
      deallocate (valtab)
      write (*,*) "[Ok]"
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Decompr= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start,nloop
      call compr%release()
      call pred%release()
     end subroutine test_random64

!! *************************************************************************************

     subroutine test_file(pred)
      class(PredictorFPD)     , intent(inout) :: pred

      type(CompressFPD64)  :: compr
      integer :: i,ii
      real(kind=dp) , dimension(14) :: valtab
      real :: start, finish
      real(kind=dp) , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable :: datafile

      allocate (datafile(100,14))

     datafile = transpose(reshape((/&
     1.,1.,61.,40.,30.,1.,32.,2.,1.,1.,0.,1.,16.,400.7208068, &
1.,2.,61.,40.,30.,1.,64.,2.,1.,1.,0.,1.,16.,378.6092405, &
1.,3.,61.,40.,30.,1.,102.,2.,1.,1.,20.,1.,16.,422.8063455, &
1.,4.,61.,40.,30.,1.,134.,2.,1.,1.,52.,1.,16.,446.1524943, &
1.,5.,61.,40.,30.,1.,163.,2.,1.,1.,81.,1.,16.,404.3591163, &
1.,6.,61.,40.,30.,1.,191.,2.,1.,1.,109.,1.,16.,482.8101775, &
1.,7.,61.,40.,30.,1.,222.,2.,1.,1.,140.,1.,16.,461.8192922, &
1.,8.,61.,40.,30.,1.,253.,2.,1.,1.,171.,1.,16.,493.2272792, &
1.,9.,61.,40.,30.,1.,282.,2.,1.,1.,200.,1.,16.,452.6028508, &
1.,10.,72.,48.,36.,2.,347.,6.,2.,1.,0.,2.,17.,356.8576225, &
1.,11.,72.,48.,36.,2.,375.,6.,2.,1.,0.,2.,17.,386.8811236, &
1.,12.,72.,48.,36.,2.,412.,6.,2.,1.,8.,2.,17.,375.7816156, &
1.,13.,72.,48.,36.,2.,440.,6.,2.,1.,36.,2.,17.,387.1260413, &
1.,14.,72.,48.,36.,2.,468.,6.,2.,1.,64.,2.,17.,415.1781001, &
1.,15.,72.,48.,36.,2.,497.,6.,2.,1.,93.,2.,17.,435.0262218, &
1.,16.,72.,48.,36.,2.,529.,6.,2.,1.,125.,2.,17.,395.7932483, &
1.,17.,72.,48.,36.,2.,558.,6.,2.,1.,154.,2.,17.,452.8856378, &
1.,18.,72.,48.,36.,2.,588.,6.,2.,1.,184.,2.,17.,457.3265912, &
1.,19.,81.,54.,43.,3.,647.,11.,5.,1.,0.,3.,18.,437.0774596, &
1.,20.,81.,54.,43.,3.,676.,11.,5.,1.,0.,3.,18.,382.5792859, &
1.,21.,81.,54.,43.,3.,713.,11.,5.,1.,0.,3.,18.,382.8253039, &
1.,22.,81.,54.,43.,3.,745.,11.,5.,1.,0.,3.,18.,410.4807373, &
1.,23.,81.,54.,43.,3.,773.,11.,5.,1.,4.,3.,18.,454.1973743, &
1.,24.,81.,54.,43.,3.,803.,11.,5.,1.,34.,3.,18.,421.1965999, &
1.,25.,81.,54.,43.,3.,835.,11.,5.,1.,66.,3.,18.,421.1075783, &
1.,26.,81.,54.,43.,3.,864.,11.,5.,1.,95.,3.,18.,416.0383661, &
1.,27.,81.,54.,43.,3.,892.,11.,5.,1.,124.,3.,18.,412.0377769, &
2.,2.,62.,40.,30.,1.,31.,3.,1.,2.,0.,1.,16.,470.7428877, &
2.,3.,62.,40.,30.,1.,69.,3.,1.,2.,3.,1.,16.,493.6315058, &
2.,4.,62.,40.,30.,1.,101.,3.,1.,2.,35.,1.,16.,530.4416604, &
2.,5.,62.,40.,30.,1.,130.,3.,1.,2.,64.,1.,16.,476.2564778, &
2.,6.,62.,40.,30.,1.,158.,3.,1.,2.,92.,1.,16.,477.3487260, &
2.,7.,62.,40.,30.,1.,189.,3.,1.,2.,123.,1.,16.,499.4842557, &
2.,8.,62.,40.,30.,1.,220.,3.,1.,2.,154.,1.,16.,452.3063110, &
2.,9.,62.,40.,30.,1.,249.,3.,1.,2.,183.,1.,16.,397.8985779, &
2.,10.,73.,48.,37.,2.,330.,7.,3.,2.,0.,2.,17.,296.9186893, &
2.,11.,73.,48.,37.,2.,358.,7.,3.,2.,0.,2.,17.,650.4114446, &
2.,12.,73.,48.,37.,2.,395.,7.,3.,2.,16.,2.,17.,629.0879334, &
2.,13.,73.,48.,37.,2.,423.,7.,3.,2.,44.,2.,17.,652.3509814, &
2.,14.,73.,48.,37.,2.,451.,7.,3.,2.,72.,2.,17.,646.4552580, &
2.,15.,73.,48.,37.,2.,480.,7.,3.,2.,101.,2.,17.,574.9266523, &
2.,16.,73.,48.,37.,2.,512.,7.,3.,2.,133.,2.,17.,566.6593253, &
2.,17.,73.,48.,37.,2.,541.,7.,3.,2.,162.,2.,17.,533.4725265, &
2.,18.,73.,48.,37.,2.,571.,7.,3.,2.,192.,2.,17.,528.8640179, &
2.,19.,81.,54.,43.,3.,655.,11.,5.,2.,0.,3.,18.,353.0435557, &
2.,20.,81.,54.,43.,3.,684.,11.,5.,2.,0.,3.,18.,604.5727712, &
2.,21.,81.,54.,43.,3.,721.,11.,5.,2.,27.,3.,18.,594.6073949, &
2.,22.,81.,54.,43.,3.,753.,11.,5.,2.,59.,3.,18.,643.0839868, &
2.,23.,81.,54.,43.,3.,781.,11.,5.,2.,87.,3.,18.,644.6999980, &
2.,24.,81.,54.,43.,3.,811.,11.,5.,2.,117.,3.,18.,584.1281864, &
2.,25.,81.,54.,43.,3.,843.,11.,5.,2.,149.,3.,18.,607.2354714, &
2.,26.,81.,54.,43.,3.,872.,11.,5.,2.,178.,3.,18.,584.0046535, &
2.,27.,81.,54.,43.,3.,900.,11.,5.,2.,207.,3.,18.,554.1863141, &
3.,98.,60.,39.,30.,10.,28.,1.,1.,21.,0.,1.,16.,163.7248528, &
3.,99.,60.,39.,30.,10.,57.,1.,1.,21.,0.,1.,16.,203.5392723, &
3.,100.,60.,39.,30.,10.,86.,1.,1.,21.,0.,1.,16.,185.5014819, &
3.,101.,60.,39.,30.,10.,128.,1.,1.,21.,18.,1.,16.,182.0294770, &
3.,102.,60.,39.,30.,10.,156.,1.,1.,21.,46.,1.,16.,191.9161088, &
3.,103.,60.,39.,30.,10.,184.,1.,1.,21.,74.,1.,16.,220.1047668, &
3.,104.,60.,39.,30.,10.,217.,1.,1.,21.,107.,1.,16.,233.7994455, &
3.,105.,60.,39.,30.,10.,247.,1.,1.,21.,137.,1.,16.,260.9411912, &
3.,106.,60.,39.,30.,10.,276.,1.,1.,21.,166.,1.,16.,281.6891974, &
3.,107.,60.,39.,30.,10.,310.,1.,1.,21.,200.,1.,16.,308.5365677, &
3.,108.,79.,51.,40.,14.,342.,7.,2.,21.,0.,2.,18.,319.5569894, &
3.,109.,79.,51.,40.,14.,374.,7.,2.,21.,0.,2.,18.,223.0445005, &
3.,110.,79.,51.,40.,14.,411.,7.,2.,21.,0.,2.,18.,221.0397597, &
3.,111.,79.,51.,40.,14.,440.,7.,2.,21.,0.,2.,18.,215.2311555, &
3.,112.,79.,51.,40.,14.,472.,7.,2.,21.,0.,2.,18.,214.8889595, &
3.,113.,79.,51.,40.,14.,502.,7.,2.,21.,0.,2.,18.,217.2286089, &
3.,114.,79.,51.,40.,14.,531.,7.,2.,21.,19.,2.,18.,263.0485508, &
3.,115.,79.,51.,40.,14.,564.,7.,2.,21.,52.,2.,18.,215.7133804, &
3.,116.,79.,51.,40.,14.,622.,7.,2.,21.,115.,2.,18.,227.9440478, &
4.,98.,60.,39.,30.,10.,30.,1.,1.,22.,0.,1.,16.,385.9091690, &
4.,99.,60.,39.,30.,10.,59.,1.,1.,22.,0.,1.,16.,493.4467048, &
4.,100.,60.,39.,30.,10.,88.,1.,1.,22.,0.,1.,16.,457.4634535, &
4.,101.,60.,39.,30.,10.,130.,1.,1.,22.,18.,1.,16.,464.6963764, &
4.,102.,60.,39.,30.,10.,158.,1.,1.,22.,46.,1.,16.,453.0225033, &
4.,103.,60.,39.,30.,10.,186.,1.,1.,22.,74.,1.,16.,492.1058499, &
4.,104.,60.,39.,30.,10.,219.,1.,1.,22.,107.,1.,16.,473.4442605, &
4.,105.,60.,39.,30.,10.,249.,1.,1.,22.,137.,1.,16.,462.7834378, &
4.,106.,60.,39.,30.,10.,278.,1.,1.,22.,166.,1.,16.,472.9760144, &
4.,107.,60.,39.,30.,10.,312.,1.,1.,22.,200.,1.,16.,511.1238621, &
4.,108.,79.,51.,40.,14.,342.,7.,2.,22.,0.,2.,18.,544.9714596, &
4.,109.,79.,51.,40.,14.,374.,7.,2.,22.,0.,2.,18.,541.7719982, &
4.,110.,79.,51.,40.,14.,411.,7.,2.,22.,0.,2.,18.,589.2739131, &
4.,111.,79.,51.,40.,14.,440.,7.,2.,22.,0.,2.,18.,509.4725033, &
4.,112.,79.,51.,40.,14.,472.,7.,2.,22.,30.,2.,18.,533.5697371, &
4.,113.,79.,51.,40.,14.,502.,7.,2.,22.,60.,2.,18.,501.5968797, &
4.,114.,79.,51.,40.,14.,531.,7.,2.,22.,89.,2.,18.,517.1689298, &
4.,115.,79.,51.,40.,14.,564.,7.,2.,22.,122.,2.,18.,511.7383576, &
4.,116.,79.,51.,40.,14.,622.,7.,2.,22.,185.,2.,18.,481.8987888, &
5.,98.,60.,39.,30.,10.,33.,1.,1.,23.,0.,1.,16.,168.9092787, &
5.,99.,60.,39.,30.,10.,62.,1.,1.,23.,0.,1.,16.,234.3615400, &
5.,100.,60.,39.,30.,10.,91.,1.,1.,23.,0.,1.,16.,248.0502428, &
5.,101.,60.,39.,30.,10.,133.,1.,1.,23.,8.,1.,16.,214.7452577, &
5.,102.,60.,39.,30.,10.,161.,1.,1.,23.,36.,1.,16.,210.9344623, &
5.,103.,60.,39.,30.,10.,189.,1.,1.,23.,64.,1.,16.,277.1039614, &
5.,104.,60.,39.,30.,10.,222.,1.,1.,23.,97.,1.,16.,258.0742928, &
5.,105.,60.,39.,30.,10.,252.,1.,1.,23.,127.,1.,16.,245.3979418, &
5.,106.,60.,39.,30.,10.,281.,1.,1.,23.,156.,1.,16.,230.4785225 &
     /), (/ size(datafile, 2), size(datafile, 1) /) ))

      call cpu_time(start)
      call pred%release()
      call pred%init(14)

      call compr%setcompress(100*14)
      do i=1,100
       call compress64(compr,pred,14,valtab)
      end do
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Compress= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start
      print *," => RATIO =",compr%ratio()	
      call compr%rewind(pred)

      do i=1,100
       call uncompress64(compr,pred,14,valtab)
       if ( count(datafile(i,:) == valtab) /= 14 ) then
         call compr%info(6)
         write (0,*) "false : val=",valtab," expected ",datafile(i,:), " iloop=",i
        end if
      end do
      write (*,*) "[Ok]"
      call cpu_time(finish)
      print '("Time Decompr= ",f6.3," seconds."," NFLOT = ",I7)',finish-start
      call compr%release()
      call pred%release()

   end subroutine test_file
end module compress_fpd


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