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Rank Project Name Percentile
  1 master-isc-SOS2301U 100%
  4 Développement de WIMS 98.56%
  14 Plateforme EDStaR 93.77%
  32 GETARI 85.16%
  33 SWASHES 84.68%
  40 SupData 81.33%
  42 ISOU : Etat des Services Numériques 80.38%
  47 eXtensible Metagrammar 77.99%
  48 UnitEvents_package 77.51%
  49 SourceSup Evolutions 77.03%
  50 Plugin ADE pour intégration ENT 76.55%
  51 The Smarties Input System 76.07%
  52 esup recherche offre de formation mobile 75.59%
  61 SCSCP C Library 71.29%
  62 MassChroqR paquet MassChroQ pour R 70.81%
  63 eCandidat / Candidatures 70.33%
  64 FullSWOF_UI 69.85%
  65 Moodle Users Management 69.37%
  66 Kits Spip CNRS 68.89%
  67 Tools for QGIS or GeoPandas 68.42%
  68 67.94%
  69 ScientificPython 67.46%
  71 Molecular Modelling Toolkit 66.50%
  72 sifacweb 66.02%
  73 esup-pstage 65.55%
  74 Portlet Zimbra 65.07%
  75 QoQ-CoT 64.59%
  76 Service Mobile MonDossierWebEtu Apogée 64.11%
  78 SHiNeMaS 63.15%
  79 lassohawkes_mlpack 62.67%
  80 AGATTE 62.20%
  81 Solene Toolbox 61.72%
  82 Proxy d'authentification CAS>Zimbra 61.24%
  83 VRVolc GIS 60.76%
  84 pkgi 60.28%
  85 esup-sifac-missions v2 59.80%
  86 esup-portlet-bigbluebutton 59.33%
  87 esup-covoiturage 58.85%
  88 MassChroQ 58.37%
  90 BioMercator 57.41%
  91 STUdS 56.93%
  92 Sylvaccess 56.45%
  93 shoal 55.98%
  97 Interopérabilité WIMS 54.06%
  112 Esup FWA 46.88%
  113 N2S3 46.41%
  114 PerlCAS 45.93%
  115 Lodel 45.45%
  117 UNVAR 44.49%
  118 Shibboleth for/pour .Net 44.01%
  119 esup-dossierEtu-RIMBAUS 43.54%
  120 ArchAnn 43.06%
  121 ChainEdit 42.58%
  122 Hyper-Threaded Modular Multipliers 42.10%
  123 Plugin SSO-CAS pour IPWEB/APOWEB 41.62%
  124 EsupTwitter 41.14%
  126 Plugin RSS pour le Canal Intranet Esup 40.19%
  127 esup-sifac-missions 39.71%
  128 HarpegeSendMail 39.23%
  129 RenArMag 38.75%
  131 PcpContentTool 37.79%
  132 VRVolc Simu 37.32%
  133 esup-horde 36.84%
  134 WA11Y - Accessibilité numérique du Web 36.36%
  135 AudioVideoCast 35.88%
  136 Synchronisation Arbre Apogée - LDAP 35.40%
  137 XtandemPipeline 34.92%
  138 ED-TALEND 34.44%
  141 GRIP (Gestion Réseaux Infra Physique) 33.01%
  142 dokuwikishibboleth 32.53%
  144 CAS and LDAP authentication for phpBB 31.57%
  145 Plugin SSOCAS pour GWT 31.10%
  146 FileX 30.62%
  148 Java Applications tools 29.66%
  149 Canal MonDossierWeb pour ESUP-Portail 29.18%
  150 cas-toolbox 28.70%
  156 Model of CN distribution for wheat 25.83%
  159 NewsPublisher Portlet 24.40%
  160 FullSWOF_2D 23.92%
  161 esup-news-mobile 23.44%
  162 Plugin Paybox pour Sciencesconf 22.96%
  163 ElastixFromMatlab 22.48%
  164 DataJiver 22.00%
  165 ESUP-Portail Portal Web Service 21.53%
  166 SsoCas Login Handler for Shibboleth IdP 21.05%
  167 A wheat FSPM 20.57%
  168 detescan 20.09%
  170 cas-spare 19.13%
  171 Editeur interactif pour WIMS 18.66%
  172 easyLink 18.18%
  174 L-egume model 17.22%
  175 L-Grass model 16.74%
  176 esup-sifac-cumul 16.26%
  177 EDBA 15.78%
  179 thurstone 14.83%
  182 AXL 13.39%
  183 PluginSSO-CAS-MOVEONLINE 12.91%
  184 FullSWOF_1D 12.44%
  185 TriAnnot 11.96%
  186 PAPPSOms++ 11.48%
  188 Modules WIMS 10.52%
  190 Integer collections 9.569%
  192 Lsfw: a tool to list firewall rules 8.612%
  193 CODA (Crossover Distribution Analyzer) 8.133%
  195 BigDataBenchmark 7.177%
  196 Ontologie du Système d'Information 6.698%
  197 LWE crypto in HLS on FPGA 6.220%
  198 esup-annuaire 5.741%
  199 pepperspot-shib 5.263%
  200 FileZ 4.784%
  201 x2ldap 4.306%
  202 esup-rss 3.827%
  203 S2M 3.349%
  204 Auto Associative Models 2.870%
  205 TestGG 2.392%
  206 Polycopiés Numériques 1.913%
  207 Tableau de bord SSI 1.435%
  208 affichage web hyperPlanning/php 0.956%
  209 ARIA - Gestion de candidatures 0.478%
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