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Basic Unix

The ICI-SC clusters are accessed through a command line interface. Users must be able to navigate using Linux/UNIX commands.

Here are a few basic UNIX commands that are helpful in getting started on the clusters:

  • Show pathname of current directory:
  • List files:
  • Make a directory:
    mkdir directory-name
  • Change directory:
    cd directory-name
  • Change directory back to home directory:
  • Copy a file:
    cp old-filename new-filename
  • View a file (3 options):
    cat filename
    more filename
    less filename
  • Edit a file (3 options):
    nano filename
    emacs filename
    vi filename
  • Delete a file:
    rm -iv filename
  • Delete a directory (recursively1)):
    rm -rf directory-name
  • Move a file:
    mv -v old-filename new-filename
  • Change permissions:
    • Arguments to chmod command: ugo+-rwx
    • where ugo are user, group and other; rwx are read, write and execute
    • Add execute permission for yourself:
      chmod u+x filename
    • Remove read, write and execute for group and other from a directory and its contents:
      chmod -R go-rwx directory-name
  • Man Pages: the man command will give usage information for any UNIX command. Press space bar or enter to page through man page. Type q to quit.
    man ls

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All files and subdirectories are deleted, use this command with CARE
tutorials/unix.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/18 14:08 by