Work in progress
Documentations are not complete yet. Please always refresh pages before reading.
However, if you find errors and have any comments, please feel free to discuss.
LIGER | The Main Cluster |
Connect to HPC Systems | Essential information on how to login to LIGER and compile, write batch scripts and submit jobs |
Policies | Specific configuration and policies on the clusters |
Access/Environment | Lists more detailed information about login and user environment |
Data Transfer | Information about efficient data transfer methods |
Filesystem & IO | Information about the supporting GPFS filesystems, backup, restore, usage, limits |
Job Management | Submission, scheduling and status of batch and interactive jobs (keywords, commands, classes, samples, variables) |
Compiling and Tuning | Compiling and tuning applications on LIGER |
srun | Program execution on LIGER |
Shared Libraries | Shared Libraries and dynamic executables |
Shared Memory Usage | Usage of shared memory on LIGER |
Module Environment | Defines the environment for various scientific applications |
Debugging Parallel Applications | Using Compiler flags, Allinea DDT |
Bull Extreme Factory (XCS) | 3D remote visualization portal |
Visualization Cluster | Postprocessing and visualization |
Resource Limits | List of hard and soft resource limits |
Quota and Accounting | CPU quota schema, job accounting and status querying |
Maintenance | Description of maintenance regulations |