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Welcome to the RegIPSL MED Wiki

This wiki is dedicated to the RegIPSL regional climate model of IPSL applied to the Mediterranean. This regional Earth system models couples the following components : WRF, ORCHIDEE, NEMO and CHIMERE. The coupling between these components has been achieved with the OASIS3-mct coupler.

The main region of application for this model is the Mediterranean but it will also used for other regions like South America and South East Asia. Some standard configurations are provided with the code to facilitate the learning process.

In this Wiki we will provide information on the configuration of each of the components and knowledge about the coupling and the IT infrastructure put in place.



Activities around RegIPSL MED

Information and Communication

  • Regular meetings of the coordination group are held to discuss the evolution of the model each Thursday at 11:00 at LMD-Polytechnique with a video-conferencing link-up.
  • Information is distributed through the following mailing lists :
    • [morecemed-senior] : Information fr the model developers and regarding the coordination group meetings.
    • [morecemed-dev] : A report on any commits being uploaded to the repository.
start.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/02 10:35 by