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MultiRad: Evaluation of Space-to-Ground Radiation Effects in Multicore Computing Systems for Safety-Critical Applications

Computing systems with powerful multicore engines progressively assume key autonomous functions in safety-critical artificial intelligence applications such as new generations of industrial automation robots, electric/hybrid self-driving cars, drones, aircraft, and satellites. MultiRad project aims to study, evaluate, and improve the reliability of forthcoming multicore computing systems running complex algorithms under common impacts of single energetic particles provoked in space, aviation altitudes, and also ground levels as results of sun and cosmic ray radiation effects from space. In addition to set a related scientific research synergy, MultiRad project will train PhD and master-level international students through advanced research experimental activities at accelerated radiation test facilities, putting young students very early in contact with practical experiences and advanced technologies.


MultiRad consortium is an international scientific partnership of 6 universities from France, Brazil, Spain, and United Kingdom within the disciplines of computer engineering, computer science, and physics. The scientific interactions are based on the rich complementary of the consortium composed of Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) contributing with accelerated radiation testing aspects of computing systems, Loughborough University (LU, United Kingdom) with virtual platforms for simulating multicore systems, Universidad de Alicante (UA, Spain) with software-level radiation-hardening techniques, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS, Brazil) with design of multicore systems, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Brazil) with hardware design in programmable logic for radiation-hardened applications, and Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, Brazil) with processor design for aerospace applications.


Project information

  • General coordination:
  • Principal investigators:
    • Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA):
      • Rodrigo POSSAMAI BASTOS
    • Loughborough University (LU):
      • Luciano OST
    • Universidad de Alicante (UA):
      • Sergio CUENCA ASENSI
    • Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS):
      • Rafael GARIBOTTI
    • Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS):
      • José Rodrigo AZAMBUJA
    • Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM):
  • Current and former PhD students:
    • UGA:
      • Matheus GARAY TRINDADE
    • UA:
      • Alejandro SERRANO CASES
    • UFRGS:
      • Jonas GAVA
      • Fabio BENEVENUTI
  • Current and former interns:
    • UGA:
      • 2023:
        • Isabella BASSO PEREIRA
      • 2022:
        • Guilherme AKIRA ALVES DOS SANTOS
      • 2021:
        • Marcelo CORREA CUETO
        • Joao Paolo SALES BRUM
        • Jiaru LIN
  • Initial consortium funding:
    • Agency: Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
    • Call: International Ambition Pack (PAI)
    • Start: July 2020


MultiRad project is partially supported by Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes's international ambition pack (PAI).

Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Project scientific production

Articles in international journals

  1. M. M. CARVALHO; L. H. LAURINI; E. ATUKPOR; L. NAVINER; R. POSSAMAI BASTOS; Impact of scaling up the sensor sampling frequency on the reliability of edge processing systems in tolerating soft errors caused by neutrons. IEEE Sensors Letters, SENSL, 2024, indexed in JCR.
  2. F. BENEVENUTI, L. GOBATTO, R. POSSAMAI BASTOS, J. R. AZAMBUJA AND F. L. KASTENSMIDT; Assessing the Impacts of Radiation-induced Soft Errors on Arm Cortex-M Microprocessors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, 2024, indexed in JCR;
  3. J. GAVA, T. K. S. SARTORI, A. HANNEMAN, R. GARIBOTTI, F. MORAES, N. CALAZANS, H. FOURATI, R. POSSAMAI BASTOS, R. REIS, L. OST; Soft Error Assessment of Attitude Estimation Algorithms Running on Resource-constrained Devices under Neutron Radiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, 2024, indexed in JCR;
  4. M. A. FLECK JR., E. PEREIRA, J. GAVA, F. MORAES, N. CALAZANS, F. MENEGUZZI, R. POSSAMAI BASTOS, R. REIS, L. OST, R. GARIBOTTI; Assessment of Radiation-Induced Soft Error on Unmanned Surface Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, 2024, indexed in JCR.
  5. SARTORI, T. K. S.; FOURATI, H.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Learning-based Mitigation of Soft Error Effects on Quaternion Kalman Filter Processing. IEEE Sensors Journal, indexed in JCR, 2023;
  6. SARTORI, T. K. S.; LAURINI, L. H.; FOURATI, H.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Effectiveness of Attitude Estimation Processing Approaches in Tolerating Radiation Soft Errors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, indexed in JCR, 2023;
  7. LAURINI, L. H.; MARTINS, J. B. S.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Investigation of Edge Computing Hardware Architectures Processing Tiny Machine Learning under Neutron-induced Radiation Effects. Elsevier Microelectronics Reliability Journal, MICROREL, 2023, indexed in JCR.
  8. RAJAPPA, A. J.; REITER, P.; SARTORI, T. K. S.; LAURINI, L. H.; FOURATI, H.; MERCELIS, S.; Jeroen Famaey; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; SMART: Selective MAC zero-optimization for neural network reliability under radiation. Elsevier Microelectronics Reliability Journal, MICROREL, 2023, indexed in JCR.
  9. GAVA, J. ; HANNEMAN, A. D.; ABICH, G.; GARIBOTTI, R.; CUENCA-ASENSI, S.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; R. REIS; L. OST; A Lightweight Mitigation Technique for Resource-constrained Devices Executing DNN Inference Models under Neutron Radiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, indexed in JCR, 2023;
  10. GAVA, J. ; MOURA, N.; LUCENA, J.; V. DA ROCHA, V.; GARIBOTTI, R.; CALAZANS, N. L. V.; CUENCA-ASENSI, S.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; R. REIS; L. OST; Assessment of Radiation-Induced Soft Errors on Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms Running on a Resource-constrained Device. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, indexed in JCR, 2023;
  11. SERRANO-CASES, A.; MARTINEZ-ALVAREZ, A.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; CUENCA-ASENSI, S.; Bare-metal Redundant Multi-Threading on Multicore SoCs under neutrons irradiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, indexed in JCR, 2023;
  12. POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; PICAS, M. G.; VELAZCO, V.; Medium-Earth Orbit Space-flight Radiation Effects in Triple Modular System on Programmable Device. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, indexed in JCR, 2023;
  13. Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Matheus Garay Trindade, Rafael Garibotti, Jonas Gava, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost, Assessment of Tiny Machine-Learning Computing Systems under Neutron-Induced Radiation Effects, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2022;
  14. Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, Hassen Fourati, Manon Letiche, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos. Assessment of Radiation Effects on Attitude Estimation Processing for Autonomous Things, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2022;
  15. Fabio Benevenuti, Marcio Goncalves, Evaldo Carlos F. Pereira Jr, Rafael G. Vaz, Odair L. Gonçalez, Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Manon Letiche, Fernanda L. Kastensmidt, Jose Rodrigo Azambuja. Investigating the Reliability Impacts of Neutron-induced Soft Errors in Aerial Image Classification CNNs Implemented in a Softcore SRAM-based FPGA GPU, Journal Microelectronics Reliability, Elsevier, 2022;
  16. Vitor Bandeira, Jack Sampford, Rafael Garibotti, Matheus Garay Trindade, Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost, Impact of radiation-induced soft error on embedded cryptography algorithms, Journal Microelectronics Reliability, Elsevier, 2021;
  17. Matheus Garay Trindade, Fabio Benevenuti, M. Letiche, J. Beaucour, F. Kastensmidt, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Effects of thermal neutron radiation on a hardware-implemented machine learning algorithm, Journal Microelectronics Reliability, Elsevier, 2021, 116 (114022);

Presentations in international conferences

  1. M. M. CARVALHO; L. H. LAURINI; E. ATUKPOR; L. NAVINER; R. POSSAMAI BASTOS; Impact of scaling up the sensor sampling frequency on the reliability of edge processing systems in tolerating soft errors caused by neutrons, IEEE Sensors Conference, Nov. 2024, Kobe, Japan;
  2. LAURINI, L. H.; MELO, L. A.; BOSIO, A.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Impact of Using Off-Chip Memories on Reliability of Edge Computing Systems to Single-Event Upsets, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2024, Maspalomas, Spain;
  3. J. Gava, A. Sherjil, Luiz Laurini, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis and L. Ost; Radiation-induced Soft Error Assessment of a Multithreaded MobileNet CNN Model Running in a Multicore Edge Processor, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2024, Maspalomas, Spain;
  4. J. Gava, L. Laurini, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis and L. Ost; The Impact of Allocating Weights and Biases in SRAM Parity Checking Areas on the Soft Error Reliability of CNN Inference Models, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2024, Maspalomas, Spain;
  5. A. Martínez-Álvarez; D. González-Montesoro; R. Possamai Bastos; S. Cuenca-Asensi; A. Serrano-Cases; On Rust and C Variability of Fault Sensitivity across Different Runtimes and Cache-Aware Source Codes, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2024, Maspalomas, Spain;
  6. L. Gobatto, F. Benevenuti, R. Possamai Bastos, F. L. Kastensmidt, J. R. Azambuja; Early Neutron Reliability Assessment of an Arm Cortex-M4 through Emulated Fault Injection, Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), Sep 2024, Joao Pessoa, Brazil;
  7. MELO, L. A.; BOSIO, A.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Deploying Compact and Dependable DNNs in Safety-critical Applications, European Test Symposium (ETS) PhD Forum, May 2024, Hague, Netherlands;
  8. F. Benevenuti, L. Gobatto, R. Possamai Bastos, J. R. Azambuja and F. L. Kastensmidt; Assessing the Arm Cortex-M under Radiation with and without a Real-time Operating System, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2023, Toulouse, France;
  9. M. A. Fleck Jr., E. Pereira, J. Gava, F. Moraes, N. Calazans, F. Meneguzzi, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis, L. Ost and R. Garibotti; Impact of Radiation-Induced Soft Error on Object Detection Algorithm of Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2023, Toulouse, France;
  10. J. Gava, T. Sartori, A. Hanneman, R. Garibotti, N. Calazans, H. Fourati, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis and L. Ost; Soft Error Assessment of Attitude Estimation Algorithms Running in a Resource-constrained Device under Neutron Radiation, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2023, Toulouse, France;
  11. LAURINI, L. H.; MARTINS, J. B. S.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Investigation of Edge Computing Hardware Architectures Processing Tiny Machine Learning under Neutron-induced Radiation Effects, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF), Oct 2023, Toulouse, France;
  12. RAJAPPA, A. J.; REITER, P.; SARTORI, T. K. S.; LAURINI, L. H.; FOURATI, H.; MERCELIS, S.; HELLINCKX, P.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; SMART: Selective MAC zero-optimzation for neural network reliability under radiation, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF), Oct 2023, Toulouse, France;
  13. A. Serrano-Cases, A. Martínez-Álvarez, R. Possamai Bastos, and S. Cuenca-Asensi, Redundant Portable Multi-Threading for Soft Error Mitigation on Multicore Systems on Chip, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Oct 2022, Venice, Italy;
  14. J. Gava, G. Abich, R. Garibotti, S. Cuenca-Asensi, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis and L. Ost, A Lightweight Mitigation Technique for Resource-constrained Devices under Neutron Radiation, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Oct 2022, Venice, Italy;
  15. J. Gava, N. Moura, V. da Rocha, R. Garibotti, S. Cuenca-Asensi, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis and L. Ost, Assessment of Radiation-Induced Soft Error on Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Oct 2022, Venice, Italy;
  16. T. Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, H. Fourati, A. Justus Rajappa, P. Reiter, and R. Possamai Bastos, Effectiveness of Attitude Estimation Processing Approaches in Tolerating Radiation Soft Errors, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Oct 2022, Venice, Italy;
  17. Rodrigo Possamai Bastos , Martí Gorchs Picas, Marcelo Correa Cueto, and Raoul Velazco, MEO Spaceflight Results of Radiation Effects in COTS FPGA-implemented Triple Modular System, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Oct 2022, Venice, Italy;
  18. Fabio Benevenuti, Marcio Goncalves, Evaldo Carlos F. Pereira Jr, Rafael G. Vaz, Odair L. Gonçalez, Odair L.; Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Manon Letiche, Fernanda L. Kastensmidt, Jose Rodrigo Azambuja. Investigating the Reliability Impacts of Neutron-induced Soft Errors in Aerial Image Classification CNNs Implemented in a Softcore SRAM-based FPGA GPU, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF), Sep 2022, Berlin, Germany;
  19. Rodrigo Possamai Bastos. Radiation effects in tiny machine learning systems and attitude estimation processing modules for autonomous things, 17th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications (SERESSA), Nov 2021, Virtual event;
  20. Joao Paolo Sales Brum, Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, Jiaru Lin, Matheus Garay Trindade, Hassen Fourati, Raoul Velazco, Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Evaluation of Attitude Estimation Algorithm under Soft Error Effects, IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), Oct 2021, Virtual event;
  21. Vitor Bandeira, Jack Sampford, Rafael Garibotti, Matheus Garay Trindade, Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost, Impact of radiation-induced soft error on embedded cryptography algorithms, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF), Oct 2021, Bordeaux, France;
  22. Matheus Garay Trindade, Joao Paolo Sales Brum, Liége Maldaner, Rafael Garibotti, Luciano Ost, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Assessment of Machine Learning Models in Computing System under Neutron Radiation, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2021, Vienna, Austria;
  23. Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, Hassen Fourati, Matheus Garay Trindade, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Assessment of Attitude Estimation Processing System under Neutron Radiation Effects, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2021, Vienna, Austria;
  24. Matheus Garay Trindade, Rafael Garibotti, Luciano Ost, M. Letiche, J. Beaucour, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Near-Sensor Computing Under Radiation Soft Errors, 16th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications (SERESSA), Dec 2020, Virtual edition;
  25. Matheus Garay Trindade, Rafael Garibotti, Luciano Ost, M. Letiche, J. Beaucour, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Assessment of Machine Learning Algorithms for Near-Sensor Computing Under Radiation Soft Errors, IEEE International conference on electronics, circuits & systems (ICECS), Nov 2020, Glasgow, SCOTLAND, United Kingdom;
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