- Install SHiNeMaS
First you need to install the virtualbox software and its Extension Pack. VirtualBox is platform dependant but not the Extension Pack.
You can download the executable file here : https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/VirtualBox-5.2.8-121009-Win.exe
Click on the downloaded file and then click on the “next” buton several time to install virtualbox manager.
You have also to say yes to this screen :
For Linux you can find a paquage regarding your distribution at this URL https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads
If you use any Linux distribution based on Debian you can also install it with apt-get :
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
You can also find an executable file for Moc OS at this URL :
On any OS you need to install the “Extension pack”, download it here : https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.8/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.2.8.vbox-extpack
And click on the file to install it
Download the virtual machine (OVA file) here :
To import the OVA file, start virtualbox software. For exemple on Windows :
Go in the file menu and click on import a virtual machine
Click on the buton to browse files folder et select the OVA file to import. Then click on “next” at each step.
At this step :
Check the box “Reinitialize MAC address …” and click on “Import”.
As soon as import is finished start the virtual machine. Select the one you have imported (it should be named SHiNeMaSTutorial) and click on the start buton.
When the virtual machine is started, open the tutorial PDF file on the Desktop. Start SHiNeMaS by double clicking on the green button in the lateral menu or on the Desktop. You can start the tutorial !
To log in the virtual machine, username is “shinemas”, password “shinemas”.
When the browseris started to log in the application the username/password is admin/admin