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Let us assume that genomic sequences G1 and G2 are associated to antibiotic resistant bacterial strains, while genomic sequences G3 and G4 are derived from bacterial strains sensitives to this antibiotic (genomic sequences G1, G2, G3 and G4 are stored in tests directory).

The objective here is to search for specific sequences than can be involved in antibiotic resistance in genomes G1 and G2.

To do so, we first create a list file with the paths of genomic sequences that belong to antibiotic resistance strains (inGroupTest.txt). And a list file with the paths of genomic sequences that not belong to antibiotic resistance strains (outGroupTest.txt).

SkIf2 search for specific k-mers (in this example length = 24) of genomes G1 and G2 :

cd tests
../build/bin/SkIf2 -inGroupFile inGroupTest.txt -outGroupFile outGroupTest.txt -k 24 -outputPrefix specificInGroup

Check outputs :

  • 45 specific k-mers detected in G1 and G2. Results are stored in specificInGroup.csv.
  • Specific k-mers are mapped on first genome in inGroupTest.txt paths list (G1). We can observe that a lot of specific k-mers are located in the same genomic region.
  • Concatenation of consecutive k-mers (2) in specificInGroup_long.csv / specificInGroup_long.gff.

We can also observe that these 2 specific long-mers overlapped.

  • Concatenation of overlapping regions in specificInGroup_longlong.csv / specificInGroup_longlong.gff. We obtain 1 long fragment that include all specific k-mers present in group 1.

As G1 and G2 are antibiotic resistant bacterial strain, we can postulate that the CDS involved in this trait is probably located in this long fragment.

example.txt · Dernière modification: 2024/07/09 10:12 par martial.briand@inrae.fr