J. GAVA, T. K. S. SARTORI, A. HANNEMAN, R. GARIBOTTI, F. MORAES, N. CALAZANS, H. FOURATI, R. POSSAMAI BASTOS, R. REIS, L. OST; Soft Error Assessment of Attitude Estimation Algorithms Running on Resource-constrained Devices under Neutron Radiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, 2024, indexed in JCR;
SARTORI, T. K. S.; FOURATI, H.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Learning-based Mitigation of Soft Error Effects on Quaternion Kalman Filter Processing. IEEE Sensors Journal, indexed in JCR, 2023;
J. Gava, T. Sartori, A. Hanneman, R. Garibotti, N. Calazans, H. Fourati, R. Possamai Bastos, R. Reis and L. Ost; Soft Error Assessment of Attitude Estimation Algorithms Running in a Resource-constrained Device under Neutron Radiation, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2023, Toulouse, France;
RAJAPPA, A. J.; REITER, P.; SARTORI, T. K. S.; LAURINI, L. H.; FOURATI, H.; MERCELIS, S.; Jeroen Famaey; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; SMART: Selective MAC zero-optimization for neural network reliability under radiation. Elsevier Microelectronics Reliability Journal, MICROREL, 2023, indexed in JCR;
SARTORI, T. K. S.; LAURINI, L. H.; FOURATI, H.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; Effectiveness of Attitude Estimation Processing Approaches in Tolerating Radiation Soft Errors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, TNS, indexed in JCR, 2023;
RAJAPPA, A. J.; REITER, P.; SARTORI, T. K. S.; LAURINI, L. H.; FOURATI, H.; MERCELIS, S.; HELLINCKX, P.; POSSAMAI BASTOS, R.; SMART: Selective MAC zero-optimzation for neural network reliability under radiation, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis (ESREF), Oct 2023, Toulouse, France;
Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, Hassen Fourati, Manon Letiche, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos. Assessment of Radiation Effects on Attitude Estimation Processing for Autonomous Things. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, indexed in JCR, 2022;
T. Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, H. Fourati, A. Justus Rajappa, P. Reiter, and R. Possamai Bastos, Effectiveness of Attitude Estimation Processing Approaches in Tolerating Radiation Soft Errors, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Oct 2022, Venice, Italy;
Rodrigo Possamai Bastos. Radiation effects in tiny machine learning systems and attitude estimation processing modules for autonomous things, 17th International School on the Effects of Radiation on Embedded Systems for Space Applications (SERESSA 2021), Nov 2021, Virtual event;
Joao Paolo Sales Brum, Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, Jiaru Lin, Matheus Garay Trindade, Hassen Fourati, Raoul Velazco, Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Evaluation of Attitude Estimation Algorithm under Soft Error Effects, IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), Oct 2021, Virtual event;
Tarso Kraemer Sarzi Sartori, Hassen Fourati, Matheus Garay Trindade, and Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Assessment of Attitude Estimation Processing System under Neutron Radiation Effects, Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), Sep 2021, Vienna, Austria;